In this study, the Proteobacteria in rhizosphere soil were all absolute dominant groups under different cultivation methods, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, and Acidobacteria were dominant groups. These bacteria may play an important role in rhizosphere soil. Proteobacteria is a symbiotic bacterium that grows rapidly in a C-rich environment [
43] and is involved in the biocirculation of essential mineral nutrients in the soil [
44].The high proportion of Proteobacteria in rhizosphere soil was conducive to the maintenance of soil fertility and plant growth [
45].The Proteobacteria was highly responsive to N input and the relative abundance increased with nitrogen application [
26]. The test results showed that FP, HYEY, SHY increased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria compared to N0, and Proteobacteria abundance of HYEY, SHY was higher than FP. RDA analysis showed that Proteobacteria was positively associated with alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and organic matter. This indicated that the increase of Proteobacteria abundance in rhizosphere soil favored the accumulation of alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and organic matter, while high organic matter content had high organic carbon content. This in turn stimulated Proteobacteria growth. Proteobacteria was negatively associated with available phosphorus, available potassium, and pH. This further explained why the Proteobacteria relative abundance of SHY was slightly lower than HYEY. In this study, FP, HYEY, and SHY reduced the relative abundance of the Firmicutes compared with N0, and showed the opposite trend to Proteobacteria. There was a nutritional competition between Proteobacteria and Firmicute [
16]. Rodrigues et al. [
46] believed that Firmicutes was also a trophic organism, and high carbon stimulated its growth. But Firmicutes was also an oligotrophic bacterium [
47], and high nitrogen application reduced its abundance [
48]. According to the above views, the presence of Proteobacteria and the relationship between nitrogen application amount and Firmicutes explained the decrease of the Firmicutes relative abundance of FP, HYEY, and SHY. RDA analysis found that Firmicutes had a positive correlation with alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, organic matter, and pH. This explained the reason that the Firmicute’s relative abundance of HYEY, and SHY was higher than that of FP. Chloroflexi was mainly inclined to anaerobic conditions [
49], was the main degradation of sugar and polysaccharide [
50], enhanced the crop absorption of soil nutrients [
51]. This study showed that FP, and HYEY increased the relative abundance of Chloroflexi compared to N0, while SHY decreases the relative abundance of Chloroflexi. RDA analysis showed that Chloroflexi had a negative correlation with alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium organic matter, and pH, which suggested that the reduced relative abundance of Asperglum favors the preservation of SHY soil fertility. Bacteroidetes was an anaerobic or facultative anaerobic eutrophic bacteria, a relative abundance of Bacteroidetes increased at a high organic level [
52]. This study showed that Bacteroidete’s relative abundance of FP, HYEY decreased compared to N0, and the soil organic matter content of SHY was significantly higher than N0, FP, HYEY, thus the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes was the highest. Bacteroidetes had a Phosphate-solubilizing function and was positively associated with available phosphorus content [
53]. Acidobacteria was recognized as oligotrophic bacteria [
54]. The high nutritional environment of HYEY, SHY reduced the relative abundance of the Acidobacteria compared to FP. Generally, acid bacteria can adapt to acidic soil environments with low pH [
55]. This test also showed that Acidobacteria had a negative association with pH.
In agricultural soils, Ascomycota was the largest group of fungi, which degraded nonpeer fishable organic matter in the soil, and increased as nutrients increased [
56]. The experimental study showed that Ascomycota in rhizosphere soil of rice fields was the absolute dominant group under different cultivation methods, compared with N0, Ascomycota of FP, HYEY, and SHY was increased by 42.80%, 68.31%, and 5.27%, respectively. This suggested that high nutrient input (SHY) did not increase Ascomycota abundance, but inhibited. This was because the promoting effect of alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and organic matter on Ascomycota did not compensate for the inhibition of available phosphorus, available potassium, and pH on Ascomycota. In addition, Ascomycota had strong drought resistance and could survive in soil moisture-limited environments [
57]. Most Basidiomycota fungi were rotten or parasitic fungi, which were also important decompositions in the soil [
58], and liked the soil conditions with better ventilation [
59]. This study showed that higher abundance of Basidiomycota in SHY, which may be due to the high level of organic matter in SHY soils. HYEY, SHY changed the growth environment of the fungal community, increased the soil available nutrients and organic matter content more suitable for the growth of rotten fungi, but the HYEY soil environment was more suited to the Ascomycota fungus, while SHY was more inclined to the Basidiomycota. This also suggested that a different fungal community adaptation to different environments led to fungal community changes under N0, FP, HYEY, and SHY.