Version 1
: Received: 16 August 2023 / Approved: 17 August 2023 / Online: 18 August 2023 (09:55:02 CEST)
How to cite:
Cordova-Ramos, J. S.; Garcia, D.; Olivera-Montenegro, L.; Ruiz, A.; Sotelo - Mendez, A.; Gonzales- Huaman, T.; Moran-Ruiz, J. Evaluation of Behavior of Consumers with Respect to Expired Food. Preprints2023, 2023081290.
Cordova-Ramos, J. S.; Garcia, D.; Olivera-Montenegro, L.; Ruiz, A.; Sotelo - Mendez, A.; Gonzales- Huaman, T.; Moran-Ruiz, J. Evaluation of Behavior of Consumers with Respect to Expired Food. Preprints 2023, 2023081290.
Cordova-Ramos, J. S.; Garcia, D.; Olivera-Montenegro, L.; Ruiz, A.; Sotelo - Mendez, A.; Gonzales- Huaman, T.; Moran-Ruiz, J. Evaluation of Behavior of Consumers with Respect to Expired Food. Preprints2023, 2023081290.
APA Style
Cordova-Ramos, J. S., Garcia, D., Olivera-Montenegro, L., Ruiz, A., Sotelo - Mendez, A., Gonzales- Huaman, T., & Moran-Ruiz, J. (2023). Evaluation of Behavior of Consumers with Respect to Expired Food. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Cordova-Ramos, J. S., Teresa Gonzales- Huaman and Javier Moran-Ruiz. 2023 "Evaluation of Behavior of Consumers with Respect to Expired Food" Preprints.
In these times, consumers mistakenly believe that the terms “expiration date” and “best before” found on packages only convey information about food safety. Consequently, a misunderstanding of these terms contributes to food waste. In this sense, the understanding and behavior of the con-sumer with respect to the two terms were evaluated; in addition, the consumer's perception of the health risks of consuming expired food was analyzed. The research was carried out with the population of the sector of Lurigancho-Chosica, Lima – Peru; sample size was 555 participants. An online survey was sent to consumers over 18 years of age, from different sociodemographic and socioeconomic conditions. In general terms, it was found that 45% (p <0.01) consider that both terms mean the same thing, this result is a problem for food safety. The 67% (p <0.05) and 45% (p <0.05) correctly defined the first and second terms, respectively; however, the behavior is not coherent with the understanding of the terms. In addition, irrational and dangerous behavior toward expired food was evidenced, i.e., they consume expired food - "expiration date", and discard expired food - "best before". Finally, the health risks they perceived from consuming expired foods of both terms were: upset stomach, vomiting, gas, intoxi-cation, and malnutrition; these perceptions are erroneous and unfounded. Sociodemographic and socioeconomic conditions influence the under-standing, behavior, and perception of health risks. Therefore, in general lines, the level of understanding of the terms was low (p<0.01), the be-havior was inappropriate toward expired food (p<0.01), and the percep-tion of the health risk of consuming expired food was incorrect (p<0.01).
expiration date; best before; consumer understanding; consumer behavior; consumer perception of health risk; expired food
Biology and Life Sciences, Food Science and Technology
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