Preprint Communication Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

An Optical Micro-nano fiber Sensor Monitoring Exhaled Carbon Dioxide Gas

Version 1 : Received: 15 August 2023 / Approved: 15 August 2023 / Online: 16 August 2023 (08:54:07 CEST)

How to cite: Chen, T.; Song, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhang, S.; He, J.-J.; Li, M. An Optical Micro-nano fiber Sensor Monitoring Exhaled Carbon Dioxide Gas. Preprints 2023, 2023081124. Chen, T.; Song, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhang, S.; He, J.-J.; Li, M. An Optical Micro-nano fiber Sensor Monitoring Exhaled Carbon Dioxide Gas. Preprints 2023, 2023081124.


In the field of clinical medicine, the real-time monitoring of carbon dioxide gas exhaled by the human body is of great significance. At present, the detection devices in the market are mainly detected by sucking a small amount of gas in the nasal cavity to the detection device, and there are some problems such as too long sampling tubes, easy blockage or distortion, and abnormal gas dispersion. In this paper, a micro-nano optical fiber sensor that can directly detect the concentration of end-tidal carbon dioxide is proposed. The measurement is achieved by using the principle of high evanescent field absorption, and the operating band is 2.004 μm. The sensor uses micro-nano optical fiber as the sensing area, and then detects the presence of carbon dioxide gas exhaled by human body through optical power attenuation. The function of micro-nano fiber is to realize the transmission of signal light and also serve as the absorption medium of the gas to be measured. In addition, the variation of light power also reflects the respiratory cycle of the human body. The sensor can realize rapid real-time response to carbon dioxide gas detection, with small size, low cost, and easy to replace. It has great application potential in clinical scenarios such as Gastrointestinal Endoscopes that require real-time monitoring of human respiration.


respiratory carbon dioxide; absorption theory; micro-nano fiber; optical sensor


Physical Sciences, Optics and Photonics

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