PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
PCL/Starch/Agar Coatings for Food-Packaging Paper: Statistical Correlation of the Formulations’ Effect on Diffusion Mechanism and Resistance to Grease, and Tensile Stress
Version 1
: Received: 10 August 2023 / Approved: 11 August 2023 / Online: 11 August 2023 (09:55:31 CEST)
How to cite:
Lo Faro, E.; Bonofiglio, A.; Barbi, S.; Montorsi, M.; Fava, P. PCL/Starch/Agar Coatings for Food-Packaging Paper: Statistical Correlation of the Formulations’ Effect on Diffusion Mechanism and Resistance to Grease, and Tensile Stress. Preprints2023, 2023080911.
Lo Faro, E.; Bonofiglio, A.; Barbi, S.; Montorsi, M.; Fava, P. PCL/Starch/Agar Coatings for Food-Packaging Paper: Statistical Correlation of the Formulations’ Effect on Diffusion Mechanism and Resistance to Grease, and Tensile Stress. Preprints 2023, 2023080911.
Lo Faro, E.; Bonofiglio, A.; Barbi, S.; Montorsi, M.; Fava, P. PCL/Starch/Agar Coatings for Food-Packaging Paper: Statistical Correlation of the Formulations’ Effect on Diffusion Mechanism and Resistance to Grease, and Tensile Stress. Preprints2023, 2023080911.
APA Style
Lo Faro, E., Bonofiglio, A., Barbi, S., Montorsi, M., & Fava, P. (2023). PCL/Starch/Agar Coatings for Food-Packaging Paper: Statistical Correlation of the Formulations’ Effect on Diffusion Mechanism and Resistance to Grease, and Tensile Stress. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Lo Faro, E., Monia Montorsi and Patrizia Fava. 2023 "PCL/Starch/Agar Coatings for Food-Packaging Paper: Statistical Correlation of the Formulations’ Effect on Diffusion Mechanism and Resistance to Grease, and Tensile Stress" Preprints.
Paper is one of the most promising materials for food packaging and wrapping due to its low environmental impact, but surface treatments are often needed to improve some performance, e.g. the resistance to fats and oils. In this context, this research is focused on the formulation of a new paper bio-coating. Paper was coated with liquids containing Poly(hexano-6-lactone) (PCL), Glycerol and variable percentages of starch (5 - 10% w/w PCL dry weight), agar agar (0 - 1.5% w/w PCL dry weight) and PEG (5% or 15% w/w PCL dry weight) to improve coating uniformity and diffusion. A Design of Experiments approach was implemented to find statistically reliable results in terms of best coating formulation. Coated paper was characterized through mechanical and physical properties. Results showed that agar content (1.5% w/w PCL dry weight) has a beneficial effect on increasing the resistance to oil. Furthermore, the best coating composition has been calculated, and it is: 10% w/w PCL dry weight of Starch, 1.5% w/w PCL dry weight of agar and 15% w/w PCL dry weight of PEG.
Biopolymers; Food-wrapping; Design of Experiments
Biology and Life Sciences, Food Science and Technology
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