PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Parallel Subgradient-Like Extragradient Approaches for Variational Inequality and Fixed Point Problems with Bregman Relatively Asymptotical Nonexpansivity
In a p-uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach space, let the pair of variational inequality and fixed point problems (VIFPPs) consist of two variational inequality problems (VIPs) involving two uniformly continuous and pseudomonotone mappings and two fixed point problems implicating two uniformly continuous and Bregman relatively asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. This article designs two parallel subgradient-like extragradient algorithms with inertial effect for solving this pair of VIFPPs, where each algorithm consists of two parts which are of symmetric structure mutually. Under mild registrations, we prove weak and strong convergence of the suggested algorithms to a common solution of this pair of VIFPPs, respectively. Lastly, an illustrative example is furnished to verify the applicability and implementability of our proposed approaches.
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