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A Genome-wide Analysis of Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein gene family in two Kiwifruit Species with an Emphasis on Roles of RNA Editing in Pathogens Stress
Zhang, A.; Xiong, Y.; Liu, F.; Zhang, X. A Genome-Wide Analysis of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Gene Family in Two Kiwifruit Species with an Emphasis on the Role of RNA Editing in Pathogen Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 13700.
Zhang, A.; Xiong, Y.; Liu, F.; Zhang, X. A Genome-Wide Analysis of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Gene Family in Two Kiwifruit Species with an Emphasis on the Role of RNA Editing in Pathogen Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 13700.
Zhang, A.; Xiong, Y.; Liu, F.; Zhang, X. A Genome-Wide Analysis of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Gene Family in Two Kiwifruit Species with an Emphasis on the Role of RNA Editing in Pathogen Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 13700.
Zhang, A.; Xiong, Y.; Liu, F.; Zhang, X. A Genome-Wide Analysis of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Gene Family in Two Kiwifruit Species with an Emphasis on the Role of RNA Editing in Pathogen Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 13700.
Kiwifruit is a perennial horticultural crop species with high nutritional and economic value. However, various pathogens stress brings a serious threat to kiwifruit. Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins (PPRs) are characterized by tandem repetitions of 35 amino acid motifs, and have been found to function in plant RNA editing. However, the roles of PPRs in plant development and disease resistance remain unclear. In this study, we performed a genome-wide identification and characterization of PPR gene family in two kiwifruit species (Actinidia chinensis (Ach), and Actinidia eriantha (Ace)) with markedly different disease resistance. A total of 497 and 499 PPRs were identified in Ach and Ace, respectively. All the kiwifruit PPRs could be phylogenetically divided into four subfamilies. There were about 40.68% PPRs predicted to be localized to mitochondria or chloroplasts. Synteny analysis showed that the expansion of kiwifruit PPRs mainly came from segmental duplication. Based on RNA-seq data from the fruit during 12 periods of development and maturity, weighted correlation network analysis suggested that two PPRs Actinidia20495.t1 and Actinidia15159.t1 were involved in the fruit development and maturation. In addition, we observed different gene expression of PPRs and chloroplast RNA editing profiles between resistant and susceptible kiwifruits after pathogen infection, indicating the roles of PPRs in stress response by modulating the editing extend of mRNA. The differentially expressed upstream transcription factors of PPRs were further identified, they may regulate resistance adaption by modulating the PPRs expression. These results provide a solid foundation for further analyses of the functions and molecular evolution of PPRs, in particular, for clarifying the resistance mechanisms in kiwifruits and breeding new cultivars with high resistance.
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