PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Frequency of Practicing of Different Types of Physical Activity, BMI and Tobacco/Alcohol Consumption Relationship: How They Are Associated with Our Physical and Mental Health in Different Ages, in Men and Women?
Version 1
: Received: 25 July 2023 / Approved: 26 July 2023 / Online: 26 July 2023 (07:08:14 CEST)
How to cite:
Liutsko, L.; Leonov, S.; Pashenko, A.; Polikanova, I. Frequency of Practicing of Different Types of Physical Activity, BMI and Tobacco/Alcohol Consumption Relationship: How They Are Associated with Our Physical and Mental Health in Different Ages, in Men and Women?. Preprints2023, 2023071773.
Liutsko, L.; Leonov, S.; Pashenko, A.; Polikanova, I. Frequency of Practicing of Different Types of Physical Activity, BMI and Tobacco/Alcohol Consumption Relationship: How They Are Associated with Our Physical and Mental Health in Different Ages, in Men and Women?. Preprints 2023, 2023071773.
Liutsko, L.; Leonov, S.; Pashenko, A.; Polikanova, I. Frequency of Practicing of Different Types of Physical Activity, BMI and Tobacco/Alcohol Consumption Relationship: How They Are Associated with Our Physical and Mental Health in Different Ages, in Men and Women?. Preprints2023, 2023071773.
APA Style
Liutsko, L., Leonov, S., Pashenko, A., & Polikanova, I. (2023). Frequency of Practicing of Different Types of Physical Activity, BMI and Tobacco/Alcohol Consumption Relationship: How They Are Associated with Our Physical and Mental Health in Different Ages, in Men and Women?. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Liutsko, L., Alexander Pashenko and Irina Polikanova. 2023 "Frequency of Practicing of Different Types of Physical Activity, BMI and Tobacco/Alcohol Consumption Relationship: How They Are Associated with Our Physical and Mental Health in Different Ages, in Men and Women?" Preprints.
The purpose of this article was to check the relashionship of different types of physical activities, BMI, smoking and alcohol consumption (with control for age, sex and level of education) on health (physical and mental). The study was based on Belgium epidemiological data (10661 participants from 19 to 81 years old for whom we have health indicators over a period of 11 years) together with questionnaires about alcohol, tobacco consumption and the frequency of different types of physical activities. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis of epidemiological data was performed with use of STATA v.14. Our results indicate that the different categories of physical activities (PA) had some differences on health indicators impacts. Our findings confirm that leading a healthy life style (all types of physical activities and weight maintenance) is an important issue since it has a significant relationship with physical and mental health indicators, but outdoor physical activities and practicing leisure sport in group have shown slightly higher magnitude in association on general health. Magnitude of association of PA with physical and mental health indicators was similar to those observed with smoking and alcohol consumption.
healthy life style; physical activity; physical and mental health
Public Health and Healthcare, Public Health and Health Services
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