Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Study on Interaction Mechanism of Segment in Stratum of TBM Construction Overpass Building

Version 1 : Received: 18 July 2023 / Approved: 18 July 2023 / Online: 19 July 2023 (08:34:22 CEST)

How to cite: Liu, D.; Wu, K.; XU, W.; DOU, Z.; LIU, Z.; SUN, J. Study on Interaction Mechanism of Segment in Stratum of TBM Construction Overpass Building. Preprints 2023, 2023071312. Liu, D.; Wu, K.; XU, W.; DOU, Z.; LIU, Z.; SUN, J. Study on Interaction Mechanism of Segment in Stratum of TBM Construction Overpass Building. Preprints 2023, 2023071312.


To solve the problem of deformation and stress in segments when a full-face hard rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) tunnel for an urban subway passes through existing buildings, a three-dimensional mechanical calculation model of TBM tunneling under existing buildings was established based on numerical analysis to comprehensively study the spatial attributes of tunnel segments during TBM tunneling. The Qingdao Metro Line 1 TBM tunnel in the hard rock stratum of Xiaobei District passes through existing buildings. The results indicated that (1) the stress and deformation of the segments were different at different positions. The horizontal and vertical stress and displacement of the segments in front of the building were significantly affected by the building. When the segment was not in the area below the horizontal plane of the building, the vertical stress of the segment was significantly greater than the two stresses in the horizontal direction. (2) The vertical displacements of the vault and the arch bottom were the largest, and the influence of vertical accessories was stronger when the segment was closer to the building.(3) When the tunnel was excavated to approximately one tunnel diameter in front of the building, the building was affected. If the surrounding rock is unstable, the excavation face may collapse and the ground surface may sink, possibly leading to inclination, cracking, and uneven settlement of the building.


subway tunnel; formation deformation; numerical simulation; impact analysis; TBM


Engineering, Civil Engineering

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