Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Association between SARC F Questionnaire Score and Functional Performance in Patients with Hip Osteoarthritis

Version 1 : Received: 17 July 2023 / Approved: 18 July 2023 / Online: 18 July 2023 (07:41:01 CEST)

How to cite: Zasadzka, E.; Kasior, I.; Hojan, K. Association between SARC F Questionnaire Score and Functional Performance in Patients with Hip Osteoarthritis. Preprints 2023, 2023071171. Zasadzka, E.; Kasior, I.; Hojan, K. Association between SARC F Questionnaire Score and Functional Performance in Patients with Hip Osteoarthritis. Preprints 2023, 2023071171.


Background and Objectives:: Hip osteoarthritis is the main cause physical disability, also has a serious impact on the efficiency and independence of older people. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between hip osteoarthritis and the risk of sarcopenia. Our main hypothesis was whether the risk of sarcopenia, as measured by the SARC F questionnaire , is related to the physical fitness of older people with hip osteoarthritis. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with the participation of 177 people of aged 65 or more, diagnosed hip osteoarthritis. The subjects were assessed using the SARC F questionnaire, the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. The subjects were divided into two groups depending on the result they obtained in the SARC F questionnaire (group 1- SARC F <4, group 2 - SARC F ≥ 4). Results: There was a significant correlation between the results in the SARC F and the results of the TUG (p<0.001) and the SPPB test, both the SPPB total score (p<0.001)and its elements: SBBP chair stand test (p<0.001), SPPB balance test (p<0.001), SPPB gait speed test (p<0.001). Logistic regression of the SPPB and TUG predictors showed that in SARC F more than 4 predicted worse SPPB and TUG outcomes. In the SARC group, F above 4 increases the odds of poorer scores in SPPB OR=1.097; CI 95% 1.053-1.146 and TUG, OR=1.096; CI 95% 1.104-1.266. Conclusion: The study showed that the results obtained in the SARC F questionnaire correlate with the possibilities of physical functioning in patients with hip osteoarthritis SARC F is an inexpensive method that can be used to assess the risk of sarcopenia. Healthcare professionals, especially in primary care, should consider assessing the risk of sarcopenia especially in people with hip osteoarthritis.


sarcopenia; physical fuction; oseoartritis; rehabilitation


Public Health and Healthcare, Public Health and Health Services

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