
Genetic Origin Affects the Reduction of Fruit Load in Young Grapevines Sprayed with an Organosilicone Surfactant and Ethephon

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10 July 2023


25 July 2023

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Combinations of Dilwet, an organosilicone surfactant, and ethephon, a hormonal compound often applied to fruit trees to thin the crop, were applied at full bloom to prevent fruit development in two young vineyards differing in elevation by 600 m. Each vineyard was planted with the same 19 red and 10 white grape cultivars from a range of countries of origin. Vineyard elevation did not affect response to treatment. A combined spray of 0.5% Dilwet with 0.04% ethephon reduced cluster number by an average of 85%, while weight of the remaining clusters was reduced by 63%, compared to unsprayed controls. Increasing the concentration of Dilwet to 1% reduced cluster number by 93% and cluster weight by 76%. There were significant differences in the response of cultivars to the treatments, depending on country of origin, with grapes originating in France responding better to higher concentrations of Dilwet. White grapes were more responsive than red grapes. These results highlight the need to test different cultivars and genetic origins of crops when examining the effects of new agricultural chemicals.
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1. Introduction

Young fruit trees in the nursery and in the first few years after transfer from the nursery to the field often produce minor non-commercial yields that can reduce the development of the full scaffold necessary for maximal commercial production (1). Growers often manually remove fruitlets or mature fruit from young trees and vines to allow further development of the fruit scaffold for increased commercial yields (2,3,4). Surfactants have been used to thin fruit crops in mature trees (5-10) , but their use in young (less than three years old; Leviticus 19:23) trees for total removal of the crop has not been thoroughly examined. Dilwet (Adama Inc., Ashdod, Israel) and other organosilicone surfactants have been applied at concentrations of 0.5-1.0 percent to open flowers of grapes (11), apples (12), almonds (Klein and Cohen, unpublished), loquats (13), plums (14,15) and peaches and nectarines (16), and can reduce this undesirable yield significantly. Spraying Dilwet during full bloom, with or without the addition of ethephon (11), significantly reduced the number of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grape clusters, but it has not been tested on other red grapes and not at all on white wine grape varieties.
In 2012, two experimental vineyards were planted in the Negev desert at Ramat HaNegev (elevation 300 m) and at the outskirts of Mitzpe Ramon (Kerem Ramon, elevation 900 m), in order to investigate the effect of hot dry climates on grape production and wine quality (Eran Harcabi, personal communication). Each vineyard included 19 red wine grape varieties and 10 white wine grape varieties. Most originated from the Mediterranean region, with the exception of Riesling and Gewurtztraminer, which originate in Germany (17). We examined the effectiveness of Dilwet spraying, with and without the addition of 0.5 and 1 percent ethephon, as a means of reducing fruit yield of young vines in a wide range of wine grape varieties.

2. Materials and Methods

In preliminary experiments (11), spraying combinations of Dilwet, an organosilicone surfactant also known as Silwet 408, and ethephon, reduced both number and size of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grape clusters. The two cultivars responded differently to combinations and concentrations of the two compounds. Although effects of the treatment on Cabernet Sauvignon were noticed after 3 weeks, effects on Merlot were noted only much later (11).
In order to examine the effects of Dilwet with ethephon on reducing number and size (weight) of grape clusters in a wider range of wine grapes, we tested combinations of Dilwet and ethephon on 19 red wine cultivars and 10 white wine cultivars in two separate vineyards. The cultivars originated in Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Egypt and Israel. The grapevines were grafted on Ruggeri rootstock and planted in four replications for each variety, with 8 (Ramat Hanegev) or 9 (Mitzpe Ramon) vines per replication. The central two (Ramat Hanegev) or three (Mitzpe Ramon) vines of each of three replications were treated. In late April (Ramat HaNegev) and early May (Mitzpe Ramon) 2014, we sprayed 0.5 and 1.0 percent Dilwet with or without 0.04 percent ethephon during the peak bloom of each variety at each site. Since the growers in both vineyards were eager to remove the grapes to allow development of the young vines, we counted and weighed clusters 5-6 weeks after spraying. We also examined the effect of ethephon alone, as well as an ‘overdose’ of 2 percent Dilwet with 0.08 percent ethephon on five white varieties and four red varieties in the Mitzpe Ramon vineyard.
All sprays were applied using a mechanical Solo backpack sprayer (15 liters). Based on preliminary experiments, we lightly pruned foliage in the flowering area of the vines before treatment. This allowed optimal penetration of the spray. We applied 0.5 liters of solution per vine, which is equivalent to 1000 liters of spray per hectare. Six to eight weeks after the treatments, we counted all the clusters on the middle vine in each triplet of vines/repetition and weighed five of them. At the same time, we rated leaf damage on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1= no damage,2= minor, 3= moderate and 4 = severe damage.

3. Results

Despite the differences in elevation, there were no significant differences between the Ramat HaNegev (300 m.a.s) and the Mitzpe Ramon (900 m.a.s.) vineyards in yield or in response to spray treatments. Data from the two vineyards were combined.
Number of clusters
The number of clusters per vine ranged from 46 (Muscat Alexandria) to 86 (Dolcetto) and averaged 66 (Table 1). Geographic origin of the grapes did not usually affect cluster number, although in the case of white grapes the two Muscat cultivars from Egypt and the Riesling from Germany all had relatively few clusters. Application of 0.5% Dilwet was mostly ineffective in reducing cluster number, except in French-origin white grapes and in 2 of 3 Spanish red cultivars. Doubling the Dilwet concentration to 1% further reduced the overall number of clusters by more than 20% only in French-origin red grapes and in Muscat cultivars. The addition of 0.04% ethephon to 0.5% Dilwet reduced cluster number to an average of 12 and 18% of control in red and white varieties. Adding 0.04% ethephon to 1.0% Dilwet further improved cluster removal in both red and white grapes of French origin, as well as in Temperanillo (ES) and Argaman, which is a cross derived from the Spanish cultivar Carignan (18), but did not substantially improve cluster removal in the other cultivars. However, the number of clusters over all cultivars was reduced to 6% of controls as a result of spraying 1% Dilwet with 0.04% ethephon (Figure 1). The effect was more pronounced in red wine grape varieties than in white wine grape varieties.
Cluster Weight
Grape cluster weight ranged from 68 grams (Cabernet Sauvignon) to 133 grams (Tempranillo) and averaged 88 grams (Table 2). On average, Dilwet alone at either 0.5 or 1.0% reduced cluster weight by less than 20% compared to control. Adding 0.04% ethephon to 0.5% Dilwet reduced cluster weight by more than 60%, while adding it to 1.0% Dilwet further reduced cluster weight by another 10-20% (Table 2 and Figure 2 and Figure 3).
Leaf and Fruit Damage
Dilwet application, with or without ethephon, did not cause significant leaf damage compared to the control. Leaf damage ratings averaged less than 2 (minor) in all cases. The overdose spray of 2% Dilwet and 0.08% ethephon resulted in severe (average rating 3.5) damage to leaves of white grapes, but did not cause significant damage to leaves of red grapes (Table 3). We could not let clusters remain on the vine until ripe. However, damage to unripe fruit (scarring, browning) was non-existent to minimal.
Spraying grapes with 0.04% ethrel alone had no effect on grapevine flowers, fruit clusters, or leaves (data not shown).

3. Discussion

Dilwet and other organosilicone surfactants are effective alone in reducing the number of fruits set in a number of tree and vine crops (11-16). We have now shown that the effect can be enhanced by adding 0.04% ethrel to 0.5% Dilwet, and that results obtained are similar to those found with 1.0% Dilwet alone (a considerable savings). The combination of 1% Dilwet with 0.04% ethephon reduced fruit load the most, but 0.5% Dilwet with ethephon was also quite effective.
It is important to note that spraying did not significantly affect fruit weight as much as it affected fruit formation. This suggests that the significant reduction in cluster number did not have as substantial an impact on individual fruit size in remaining clusters, at least not early in the season when we removed the clusters for analysis, despite the spray’s effectiveness as a selective blossom thinner that reduces the formation and development of fruits (11-16). Unless sprayed at more than twice the recommended concentration, Dilwet did not cause significant leaf damage, as has been noted with apples (12), peaches (16) and almonds (unpublished data).
The many articles about differential effects of wine grape thinning on yield (19-21) and on biochemical (19-21) and organoleptic (24-27) quality indices of grapes and of resulting wine ascribe the contradictory results to varietal differences without further investigation. Recently the contrasting and sometimes contradictory results of variety, yield, and quality indices resulting from wine grape thinning have been ascribed to the interaction of fruit and vine characteristics with varying amounts and timing of irrigation (28). Results presented here were derived from nearly 30 grape cultivars that were grown under identical soil, water, and horticultural conditions, Despite this uniformity of cultivation, we also found that the effectiveness of Dilwet varied among different grape varieties, and that the degree of responsiveness to the treatment could be ascribed at least partially to currently unexamined factors connected to the origin and berry color of the cultivars. French-origin cultivars seemed more resistant to the chemical effect of Dilwet than were Portugese or Spanish-origin varieties (Table 1 and Table 2). White grape cultivars were more responsive to the spray treatment than were red cultivars (Table 1 and Table 2). This was further highlighted in the much greater sensitivity of leaves of white grape cultivars than those of red cultivars to a Dilwet+ethephon overdose (Table 3). It should be noted that cultivar differences in response to thinning compounds have also been noted for apples (3), peaches (7) and pears (10). These results emphasize the need to test a range of cultivars and genetic origins of a given crop when developing and testing new agrichemicals and combinations.

5. Conclusions

Dilwet applications can reduce the number of clusters in a wide range of wine grape varieties, thus permitting young vines to develop more fully without being burdened in their initial growing seasons. The combination of 1% Dilwet with 0.04% ethephon was most effective in fruit thinning (Table 1). However, in many cases 0.5% Dilwet with ethephon performed similarly to the higher concentration, at a savings in cost and in potential environmental contamination. Dilwet treatment did not reduce remaining cluster weight to the same extent that it reduced cluster number (Table 2) nor did it cause damage to leaves or to the fruit scaffold.
These findings provide valuable information for grape growers and vineyard managers seeking to control fruit yield at an early stage of vine development in a range of wine grape varieties. Further studies are recommended to investigate the long-term effects of Dilwet spray application on return yield, and to evaluate its effectiveness in other grape varieties, particularly those originating in other geographic regions or those that are the result of inter-regional crosses.


We thank Eldar Cohen, Yonit Hebbe, Shlomo Goren and Amitai Lavie for field and lab assistance. We are grateful to Eran Harcabi of the Israel Extension Service and to Andy Resnick of Adama, Incorporated for technical discussions and advice. Chemicals and partial research funding provided by Adama Incorporated, Ashdod, Israel.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. ‘Barbera” grapevine at Ramat HaNegev at end of season (11.14). Grape clusters on the ground in the red circle are from control (untreated) vines, and were removed to help the young vines grow. Vines in the foreground were sprayed at full bloom with 1% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon, on 14.4.14. No grape berries developed.
Figure 1. ‘Barbera” grapevine at Ramat HaNegev at end of season (11.14). Grape clusters on the ground in the red circle are from control (untreated) vines, and were removed to help the young vines grow. Vines in the foreground were sprayed at full bloom with 1% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon, on 14.4.14. No grape berries developed.
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Figure 2. Clusters of control unsprayed (left) and sprayed with 1% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon (right) grape varieties (A) Petit Verdot (B) Cabernet Sauvignon and (C) Malbec, 3 weeks after spraying. Bars indicate 12 cm.
Figure 2. Clusters of control unsprayed (left) and sprayed with 1% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon (right) grape varieties (A) Petit Verdot (B) Cabernet Sauvignon and (C) Malbec, 3 weeks after spraying. Bars indicate 12 cm.
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Figure 3. Clusters of A) Cabernet Franc (France, red) and b) Muscat Alexandria (Egypt, white) grapes, three weeks after treatment. Left to right: control unsprayed, sprayed with 0.5% Dilwet, 0.5% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon, , 0.5% Dilwet plus 0.08% ethephon, 1.0% Dilwet, 1.0% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon. Bars indicate 12 cm.
Figure 3. Clusters of A) Cabernet Franc (France, red) and b) Muscat Alexandria (Egypt, white) grapes, three weeks after treatment. Left to right: control unsprayed, sprayed with 0.5% Dilwet, 0.5% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon, , 0.5% Dilwet plus 0.08% ethephon, 1.0% Dilwet, 1.0% Dilwet plus 0.04% ethephon. Bars indicate 12 cm.
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Table 1. Clusters per vine in red and white wine grape cultivars sprayed with 0.5 or 1.0 percent Dilwet, alone or combined with 0.04% ethephon. Vines were sprayed in late April or early May 2014; clusters were counted 5-6 weeks later. Means of three replicate vines in two vineyards (n=6). + = added 0.04% ethephon Grape variety origins: EGY-Egypt; ES-Spain, FR- France; GE-Germany; IL-Israel; IT-Italy; PO-Portugal. .
Table 1. Clusters per vine in red and white wine grape cultivars sprayed with 0.5 or 1.0 percent Dilwet, alone or combined with 0.04% ethephon. Vines were sprayed in late April or early May 2014; clusters were counted 5-6 weeks later. Means of three replicate vines in two vineyards (n=6). + = added 0.04% ethephon Grape variety origins: EGY-Egypt; ES-Spain, FR- France; GE-Germany; IL-Israel; IT-Italy; PO-Portugal. .
Origin Clusters per vine Dilwet treatment
(Percent of control)
Red grapes Control 0.5 0.5+ 1 1+
Toreiga Nacional PO 70 64 10 92 3
Tinta Cao PO 67 110 9 67 14
Average 68.5 87.0 9.5 79.5 8.5
SD 2.1 32.5 0.7 17.7 7.8
Barbera IT 60 86 6 114 2
Dolcetto IT 86 91 5 97 10
Sangiovese IT 51 144 4 82 11
Average 65.7 107.0 5.0 97.7 7.7
SD 18.2 32.1 1.0 16.0 4.9
Malbec FR 70 137 2 90 2
Merlot FR 63 124 15 64 10
Syrah FR 67 68 6 66 5
Petit Verdot FR 67 103 18 72 6
Pinot Noir FR 61 98 23 69 9
Pinotage FR 76 72 15 75 6
Cabernet Sauvignon FR 81 34 3 62 5
Cabernet Franc FR 78 85 10 77 2
Ruby Cabernet FR 65 95 14 84 12
Average 69.8 90.7 11.8 73.2 6.3
SD 7.0 30.8 7.1 9.3 3.4
Temperanillo ES 52 97 27 81 3
Carignan ES 79 66 12 64 11
Grenache Noir ES 71 48 0 92 2
Average 67.3 70.3 13.0 79.0 5.3
SD 13.9 24.8 13.5 14.1 4.9
Argaman IL 61 124 23 82 14
Zinfandel CRO 49 88 29 97 15
Overall Average 67.1 91.3 12.2 80.4 7.5
SD 10.2 29.0 8.6 14.1 4.6
White grapes Control 0.5 0.5+ 1 1.0+
White Muscat EGY 56 89 4 67 2
Muscat Alexandria EGY 46 114 0 74 4
Average 51.0 101.5 2.0 70.5 3.0
SD 7.1 17.7 2.8 4.9 1.4
Pinot Gris FR 74 79 31 103 4
Sauvignon Blanc FR 85 67 16 68 5
Colombard FR 67 119 5 84 7
Chenin Blanc FR 69 85 69 95 3
Chardonnay FR 61 71 44 87 23
Semillon FR 66 50 7 98 2
Average 70.3 78.5 28.7 89.2 7.3
SD 8.3 23.2 24.7 12.5 7.9
Gerwurztramminer GE 77 62 2 103 0
White Riesling GE 56 87 3 105 11
Average 66.5 74.5 2.5 104.0 5.5
SD 14.8 17.7 0.7 1.4 7.8
Overall Average 65.7 82.3 18.1 88.4 6.1
SD 11.5 21.7 23.0 14.7 6.7
Table 2. Weight per cluster (g) in red and white wine grape cultivars sprayed with 0.5 or 1.0 percent Dilwet, alone or combined with 0.04% ethephon. Vines were sprayed in late April or early May 2014; clusters were counted 5-6 weeks later. Means of three replicate vines in two vineyards (n=6). + = added 0.04% ethephon Grape variety origins: EGY-Egypt; ES-Spain, FR- France; GE-Germany; IL-Israel; IT-Italy; PO-Portugal .
Table 2. Weight per cluster (g) in red and white wine grape cultivars sprayed with 0.5 or 1.0 percent Dilwet, alone or combined with 0.04% ethephon. Vines were sprayed in late April or early May 2014; clusters were counted 5-6 weeks later. Means of three replicate vines in two vineyards (n=6). + = added 0.04% ethephon Grape variety origins: EGY-Egypt; ES-Spain, FR- France; GE-Germany; IL-Israel; IT-Italy; PO-Portugal .
Origin Cluster weight (g) Dilwet treatment
(Percent of control)
Red grapes Control 0.5 0.5+ 1 1+
Touriga Nacional PO 79 38 35 85 18
Tinta Cao PO 78 97 79 86 51
Average 78.5 67.5 57.0 85.5 34.5
SD 0.7 41.7 31.1 0.7 23.3
Barbera IT 123 99 60 83 24
Dolcetto IT 131 65 20 60 25
Sangiovese IT 100 89 10 95 25
Average 118.0 84.3 30.0 79.3 24.7
SD 16.1 17.5 26.5 17.8 0.6
Malbec FR 102 63 32 78 8
Merlot FR 80 62 30 100 37
Syrah FR 70 139 57 118 32
Petit Verdot FR 91 56 29 72 29
Pinot Noir FR 77 102 37 97 33
Pinotage FR 78 57 23 87 32
Cabernet Sauvignon FR 68 149 39 113 17
Cabernet Franc FR 76 59 29 101 26
Ruby Cabernet FR 87 160 61 94 16
Average 81.0 94.1 37.4 95.6 25.6
SD 10.7 44.0 13.1 15.0 9.7
Grenache Noir ES 124 91 -- 115 15
Tempranillo ES 133 105 19 62 17
Carignan ES 92 84 63 61 50
Average 116.3 93.3 41.0 79.3 27.3
SD 21.5 10.7 31.1 30.9 19.7
Argaman IL 101 114 44 74 50
Zinfandel CRO 129 95 23 81 54
Overall Average 95.7 90.7 38.3 87.5 29.4
SD 22.1 33.3 18.6 17.6 13.7
White grapes Control 0.5 0.5+ 1 1+
White Muscat EGY 102 97 8 74 8
Muscat Alexandria EGY 99 116 0 83 22
Average 100.5 106.5 4.0 78.5 15.0
SD 2.1 13.4 5.7 6.4 9.9
Pinot Gris FR 86 47 15 64 19
Sauvignon Blanc FR 101 131 87 77 17
Colombard FR 82 81 58 95 13
Chenin Blanc FR 70 38 21 85 39
Chardonnay FR 69 85 25 84 20
Semillon FR 97 71 51 86 33
Average 84.2 75.5 42.8 81.8 23.5
SD 13.3 33.0 27.6 10.5 10.2
Gerwurztramminer GE 89 108 54 88 28
White Riesling GE 93 57 44 78 0
Average 91.0 82.5 49.0 83.0 14.0
SD 2.8 36.1 7.1 7.1 19.8
Overall Average 88.8 83.1 36.3 81.4 19.9
SD 12.1 30.5 27.0 8.6 11.6
Table 3. Degree of damage on leaves of red and white wine grapes, 5 weeks after spraying in midMay with 2 percent Dilwet plus 0.08% ethephon. Means of 3 replicate vines at Mitzpe Ramon vineyard. Damage scores 1=minor damage to 4=major damage. Grape variety origins: EGY-Egypt; ES-Spain, FR- France; GE-Germany; IL-Israel; IT-Italy.
Table 3. Degree of damage on leaves of red and white wine grapes, 5 weeks after spraying in midMay with 2 percent Dilwet plus 0.08% ethephon. Means of 3 replicate vines at Mitzpe Ramon vineyard. Damage scores 1=minor damage to 4=major damage. Grape variety origins: EGY-Egypt; ES-Spain, FR- France; GE-Germany; IL-Israel; IT-Italy.
Origin Leaf damage score
Red Grapes
Argaman IL 0
Cabernet Sauvignon FR 0
Temperanillo ES 0
Dolcetto IT 0.1
White Grapes
Chardonnay FR 3.5
Sauvignon Blanc FR 4
Gewürztraminer GE 4
Semillon FR 3
Muscat Alexandroni EGY 3
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