Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

A Study of the Elasticity of Key Indicators of Activity in the Stock Market with a Neutral Approach to Dividend Policy

Version 1 : Received: 8 July 2023 / Approved: 10 July 2023 / Online: 10 July 2023 (11:32:07 CEST)

How to cite: Krylov, S. A Study of the Elasticity of Key Indicators of Activity in the Stock Market with a Neutral Approach to Dividend Policy. Preprints 2023, 2023070621. Krylov, S. A Study of the Elasticity of Key Indicators of Activity in the Stock Market with a Neutral Approach to Dividend Policy. Preprints 2023, 2023070621.


Research background In the conditions of a modern developed market economy, a rather important characteristic of the activities of a public company is its activity in the stock market (market activity), which involves the development of a dividend policy, which, on the one hand, should contribute to the achievement of the main goal of financial management - maximizing the material well-being of shareholders, and, on the other hand, take into account the interests of all other stakeholders interested in the activities of a public company (including potential investors) to ensure its sustainable development in the long term. Fulfillment of this requirement is possible only within the framework of a neutral approach to the implementation of the dividend policy of a public company.Purpose – The article is devoted to the consideration of the conceptual foundations for analyzing the sensitivity of key indicators of the activity of a public company in the stock market (market activity) to the main determining factors in the context of a neutral approach to the implementation of its dividend policy.Design/methodology/approach The methodological basis of the study was the concept of a neutral approach to the dividend policy of a public company and the concept of sensitivity analysis, developed earlier by the author of this article.Findings It is shown that the key indicators of the market activity of a public company include the dividend yield ratio, dividend coverage ratio, the expected price of an ordinary share, the dividend yield of an ordinary share and the quote ratio of an ordinary share (price and earnings ratio per ordinary share). An analysis of the sensitivity of these indicators to the main determining factors in the context of a neutral approach to the implementation of the dividend policy of a public company involves the construction of appropriate elasticity models that allow determining the change in key indicators of market activity depending on changes in the factors that determine them. The constructed elasticity models of the key indicators of market activity listed above can be used in predictive and analytical assessments of their changes, and also make it possible to identify the causes of these changes by calculating the impact on the specified elasticity of the determinants contained in their models, performed by the appropriate methods of factor analysis, under the conditions of a neutral approach to the implementation of the dividend policy of a public company.Originality/value The author comes to the conclusion that the elasticity models developed by him for key indicators of the activity of a public company in the stock market in terms of the main factors determining them are a fairly effective tool for managing the market activity of a public company in the context of a neutral approach to the implementation of its dividend policy.


sensitivity analysis, elasticity, modeling, market activity, neutral approach, dividend policy, public company


Business, Economics and Management, Finance

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