Version 1
: Received: 7 July 2023 / Approved: 10 July 2023 / Online: 10 July 2023 (09:43:51 CEST)
How to cite:
Usturoi, A.; Păsărin, B.; Usturoi, M.-G.; Davidescu, M.; Radu-Rusu, R.-M.; Simeanu, D. The Physiological Effects of Some Stress Indicators in Rainbow Trout Raised in Different Systems. Preprints2023, 2023070571.
Usturoi, A.; Păsărin, B.; Usturoi, M.-G.; Davidescu, M.; Radu-Rusu, R.-M.; Simeanu, D. The Physiological Effects of Some Stress Indicators in Rainbow Trout Raised in Different Systems. Preprints 2023, 2023070571.
Usturoi, A.; Păsărin, B.; Usturoi, M.-G.; Davidescu, M.; Radu-Rusu, R.-M.; Simeanu, D. The Physiological Effects of Some Stress Indicators in Rainbow Trout Raised in Different Systems. Preprints2023, 2023070571.
APA Style
Usturoi, A., Păsărin, B., Usturoi, M. G., Davidescu, M., Radu-Rusu, R. M., & Simeanu, D. (2023). The Physiological Effects of Some Stress Indicators in Rainbow Trout Raised in Different Systems. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Usturoi, A., Răzvan-Mihail Radu-Rusu and Daniel Simeanu. 2023 "The Physiological Effects of Some Stress Indicators in Rainbow Trout Raised in Different Systems" Preprints.
The general desire of the world's population is to eat as healthily as possible, an aspect that has a direct impact on the technological complex aimed at animals raising (proper breeding systems, microclimate factors with implications for the welfare of animals, etc.), as well as on the quality of the finished products that will enter the food supply. Therefore, the authors set out to study how the growth system influences the health status of rainbow trout raised in different systems. The observed experimental factors did not undergo significant changes. However, differences were generated by the applied growth system. For the amount of glucose in the blood, no statistically significant differences were identified between the groups.
In contrast, comparison of the amount of glycogen led to obtaining very distinctly significant statistical fluctuations (the mean for P-si was 2.314±0.638 and for P-i 1.980±0.822). Growth hormone varied between 0.504±0.46 in the case of P-si and 0.694±0.22 ng/ml for P-i. The values obtained for cortisol showed a significant influence of stress factors on the studied trout.
The general conclusion of the present study is that various technological factors influence the health status of livestock.
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