3. Discussion
No specific generic marker binding all circulating EVs has been found yet. Until now, surface phosphatidylserine content in EV membranes detected by annexin V labelling has been widely used as a universal reporter of cEVs. However, it is now well-recognised that EVs from different cell lineages can be released either with or without externalization of this phospholipid in their membranes [
17]. PS
─-EVs have been described in several distinct pathologies including multi organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and sepsis [
18], systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [
20], antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) [
22], type 1 diabetes mellitus [
23], ischaemic stroke (IS) and transient ischaemic attack (TIA) [
24], familial hypercholesterolaemia [
25], sickle cell disease [
26], gastric cancer [
27], carotid artery stenting [
28], and ageing [
29]. Literature regarding all-type cEVs in cHF is generally scarce [
33] and there is no information on PS
─-EVs. We have previously studied the role on PS
+-EVs released by platelets [
12] and immunity cells [
16] in cHF patients. Here we have focused on the cardiovascular system-related (heart, blood, and vascular resident cells) circulating PS
─-EVs from patients with chronic heart failure, unravelling that endothelial and red blood cells are stressed in the context of cHF as illustrated by high cEV shedding (
Figure 4).
In agreement with other studies [
22], we found that cHF is also characterised by displaying a higher quantity of EVs that do not expose PS in their membranes (PS
─-EVs). Regarding the specific parental cell origin of cEVs, we have observed differential patterns of PS
+-cEVs and PS
─-cEVs in controls and in patients with cHF. Firstly, even though both groups presented higher levels of endothelium-derived cEVs that did not expose PS, cHF patients presented increased levels of PS
─-cEVs compared to controls, supporting the notion of endothelial cell injury as a trigger of eEV release, in a similar fashion as in other conditions [
34]. In fact, these results are also in agreement with Nozaki et al., who reported increased levels of cEVs presenting the endothelial cell marker CD144
+ (VE-cadherin) but without evaluating their PS exposure in cHF patients [
33]. Thus, increased levels of eEVs might reflect the endothelial dysfunction present in cHF [
Despite there are controversial results [
12], we have also confirmed that platelet-derived cEVs are mainly PS
+ in cHF patients, as we [
12] and others [
36] have previously described. It is interesting to highlight the role of CD31
+-cEVs that are not exclusively platelet-derived and could also be shed by endothelial and white blood cells. The behaviour of CD31
+-cEVs and CD31
─-cEVs is completely different, the former following the trend of pEVs (decreased in cHF) and the later following the trend of eEVs (increased in cHF). In light of these data, the two EV subtypes could be considered as two independent populations. Indeed, other authors already have pointed out a differential pathophysiological role of EVs depending on their PS exposure profile. In a study comprising patients that had suffered an IS or TIA, CD41
─, CD62P
─ and CD142
─ associated with an increased risk of the primary outcome (considered as fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction and/or fatal or non-fatal recurrent ischaemic stroke), while CD41
+, CD62P
+ and CD142
+ associated with a decreased risk [
The population of cEVs released from inflammatory cells showed the highest degree of complexity. Levels of specific PS
─-LEVs derived from pan-leukocytes (CD45
─-LEVs), lymphocytes (CD3
─-ℓEVs), neutrophils (CD15
─), and NK cells (CD56
─-NKcEVs) were found elevated as compared to controls. Similarly to PS
+-LEVs, PS
─-LEVs could reflect the non-resolving inflammatory state characteristic of cHF patients [
38]. In contrast to what we have observed with pEVs and eEVs, LEVs seem to present a variable pattern in terms of PS membrane externalization. The proportion of PS
+-EVs / PS
─-EVs exposure may be an index reflecting not only the cell origin but also the activation stimulus leading to cEV release.
Another class of cEVs often overlooked is those of red blood cell origin [
39]. There were no differences between erythrocyte-derived PS
+-EVs and PS
─-EVs levels in the blood of controls, and both subtypes were significantly increased in the blood of cHF patients, being PS
+-EVs the highest number of ErEVs. Interestingly, Shet
et al. observed increased numbers of PS
+-EVs ErEVs in sickle cell disease in comparison with controls, but when considering their PS exposure, found similar levels between PS
+-EVs and PS
─-EVs ErEVs [
26]. On the contrary, increased levels of PS
─-EVs ErEVs were observed in a study comprising patients with MODS and sepsis compared to controls, while levels of PS
+-EVs ErEVs were similar [
To our knowledge levels of EVs presenting connexin-43 (CX43) have not been analysed before nor if this marker is co-expressed with PS. We have explored CX43, a widely distributed tissue interstitial gap junction protein as a surrogate measure of tissue and cell damage state. The majority of CX43+-cEVs were PS─-cEVs in both studied populations. High levels of PS─-CX43+-EVs in cHF patients add evidence on the myocardial stress and injury frequently observed in cHF.
Phosphatidylserine is not only a marker of apoptosis but also of other cell death mechanisms [
40]. On the other hand, the biogenesis of those cEVs that do not expose PS in their membrane is still unknown. Several theories have emerged in the last years, including that PS
─-EVs are true PS
+-EVs with (1) very low PS exposure or (2) PS-masking (through endogenous lactadherin or β
2 glycoprotein 1 [β2GP1] binding) [
24]. The latter could either hamper proper PS
+-EVs recognition or block PS-mediated EV clearance [
24]. A previous work studying the clearance ratio of PS-exposing vesicles in immune mice (with high levels of the antiphospholipid antibody β
2GP1) showed that PS
─-EVs were cleared significantly slower than their PS-exposing counterparts [
41]. This hypothesis was further supported by the findings of two studies in SLE and APS, where PS
─-EVs were the main type of EVs found in patients but not in controls [
22]. Similarly, it has been hypothesized that PS
─-EVs could circulate in blood with a long half-life due to less uptake by liver macrophages [
42]. Nevertheless, further research on the biological role of PS
─-EV shedding is warranted. Increasing number of studies with patients that do not present antiphospholipid antibodies preventing EV clearance or detection have revealed high levels of PS
─-EVs such as in type-1 diabetic patients and elderly individuals [
29], while patients suffering of IS or TIA [
24] and atrial fibrillation[
43] exhibited greater amounts of PS
Furthermore, the pathophysiological role exerted by PS
─-EVs remains also unclear. The presence of PS in the EV membranes might likely discriminate two populations with different roles, with PS
+-EVs suggested being more procoagulant and PS
─-EVs reflecting a proinflammatory state [
29]. The potential procoagulant proprieties of PS
+-EVs are widely accepted and have been already demonstrated in several studies [
45]. In heart failure condition, Kou et al. determined that the exposure of PS in both blood cells and cEVs is related to the procoagulant state of these patients [
46]. As of PS
─-EV inflammatory role, high levels of PS
─-EVs have been detected in inflammatory diseases such as SLE or APS [
22]. Further, cHF patients present a chronic and unresolved inflammatory state, which could also be reflected in the high proportion of PS
─-EV release. In addition, increased levels of inflammation are observed in elderly individuals in comparison with younger subjects [
47], who were already shown to display higher proportions of PS
─-EVs [
Although the study of EV population without PS exposure is still on its infancy, it is evident that their release and function is unrelated to those EVs bearing PS. Our clinical model of study involving a chronic heart disease as heart failure, which is a condition with a large systemic affectation and cellular stresses, compared with non-HF control subjects, has evidenced the presence in blood of different types of circulating EVs. While immune cells secrete variety of cEVs depending on cell type and red blood cells both PS─ and PS+-EVs, those released by platelets are mainly PS+-EVs and those released by endothelial cells and connexin 43+-rich cells are mainly PS─-EVs. These differences should be taken into consideration in future studies addressing the role of cEVs in cHF. In conclusion, our findings shed new light on the link between cellular stresses, endothelial dysfunction, pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory environment, and organ damage in the context of chronic heart failure, as uncovered by a high degree of distinct cell activation processes leading to extracellular vesicle shedding in the circulation.
Figure 1.
Distribution of circulating extracellular vesicles of endothelial origin in reference non-heart failure and chronic heart failure groups. Box and whisker plots show numbers of cEVs per microliter of platelet-free plasma (cEVs/µL of PFP) from (a) non- (CD309+) and (b) activated (CD62E+) endothelial cells in non-heart failure control subjects (n=21) and patients with chronic heart failure (n=119). Lines within boxes represent median values, the upper and lower boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower boxes outside the boxes represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A P < 0.05 was considered significant (U-Mann Whitney test). P-values in bold correspond to significant differences. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cHF, chronic heart failure; cEVs, circulating extracellular vesicles; eEVs, endothelial-derived EVs; HF, heart failure; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.
Figure 1.
Distribution of circulating extracellular vesicles of endothelial origin in reference non-heart failure and chronic heart failure groups. Box and whisker plots show numbers of cEVs per microliter of platelet-free plasma (cEVs/µL of PFP) from (a) non- (CD309+) and (b) activated (CD62E+) endothelial cells in non-heart failure control subjects (n=21) and patients with chronic heart failure (n=119). Lines within boxes represent median values, the upper and lower boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower boxes outside the boxes represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A P < 0.05 was considered significant (U-Mann Whitney test). P-values in bold correspond to significant differences. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cHF, chronic heart failure; cEVs, circulating extracellular vesicles; eEVs, endothelial-derived EVs; HF, heart failure; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.

Figure 2.
Distribution of red blood cell and connexin 43-rich circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure and chronic heart failure groups. Box and whisker plots show numbers of cEVs per microliter of platelet-free plasma (cEVs/µL of PFP) from (a) erythrocytes (CD235ab+) and (b) carrying connexin-43 (CX43+) in non-heart failure control subjects (n=21) and patients with chronic heart failure (n=119). Lines within boxes represent median values, the upper and lower boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower boxes outside the boxes represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A P < 0.05 was considered significant (U-Mann Whitney test). P-values in bold correspond to significant differences. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cHF, chronic heart failure; cEVs, circulating extracellular microvesicles; ErEVs, erythrocyte-derived EVs; HF, heart failure; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─-, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.
Figure 2.
Distribution of red blood cell and connexin 43-rich circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure and chronic heart failure groups. Box and whisker plots show numbers of cEVs per microliter of platelet-free plasma (cEVs/µL of PFP) from (a) erythrocytes (CD235ab+) and (b) carrying connexin-43 (CX43+) in non-heart failure control subjects (n=21) and patients with chronic heart failure (n=119). Lines within boxes represent median values, the upper and lower boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower boxes outside the boxes represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A P < 0.05 was considered significant (U-Mann Whitney test). P-values in bold correspond to significant differences. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cHF, chronic heart failure; cEVs, circulating extracellular microvesicles; ErEVs, erythrocyte-derived EVs; HF, heart failure; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─-, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.

Figure 3.
Distribution of leukocyte-derived circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure and chronic heart failure groups. Box and whisker plots show numbers of cEVs per microliter of platelet-free plasma (cEVs/µL of PFP) of (a) leukocyte-derived (CD45+), (b) activated leukocyte-derived (CD29+) and (c) monocyte-derived (CD14+) circulating extracellular vesicles in non-heart failure control subjects (n=21) and chronic heart failure patients (n=119). Lines within boxes represent median values, the upper and lower boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower boxes outside the boxes represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A P <0.05 was considered significant (U-Mann Whitney test). P-values in bold correspond to significant differences. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cHF, chronic heart failure; cEVs, circulating extracellular microvesicles; HF, heart failure; LEVs, leukocyte-derived EVs; mEVs, monocyte-derived EVs; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─-, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.
Figure 3.
Distribution of leukocyte-derived circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure and chronic heart failure groups. Box and whisker plots show numbers of cEVs per microliter of platelet-free plasma (cEVs/µL of PFP) of (a) leukocyte-derived (CD45+), (b) activated leukocyte-derived (CD29+) and (c) monocyte-derived (CD14+) circulating extracellular vesicles in non-heart failure control subjects (n=21) and chronic heart failure patients (n=119). Lines within boxes represent median values, the upper and lower boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower boxes outside the boxes represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A P <0.05 was considered significant (U-Mann Whitney test). P-values in bold correspond to significant differences. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cHF, chronic heart failure; cEVs, circulating extracellular microvesicles; HF, heart failure; LEVs, leukocyte-derived EVs; mEVs, monocyte-derived EVs; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─-, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.

Figure 4.
Schematic summary showing main study results of the circulating extracellular vesicle characterization focusing on phosphatidylserine membrane exposure in chronic heart failure. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cEVs, circulating extracellular vesicles; cHF, chronic heart failure; CX43, connexin 43; eEVs, endothelial cell-derived EVs; ErEVs, erythrocyte-derived EVs; EVs, extracellular microvesicles; ℓEVs, lymphocyte-derived EVs; LEVs, platelet-derived EVs; nEVs, neutrophil-derived EVs; NKcEVs, NK cell-derived EVs; mEVs, monocyte-derived EVs; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.
Figure 4.
Schematic summary showing main study results of the circulating extracellular vesicle characterization focusing on phosphatidylserine membrane exposure in chronic heart failure. CD indicates cluster of differentiation; cEVs, circulating extracellular vesicles; cHF, chronic heart failure; CX43, connexin 43; eEVs, endothelial cell-derived EVs; ErEVs, erythrocyte-derived EVs; EVs, extracellular microvesicles; ℓEVs, lymphocyte-derived EVs; LEVs, platelet-derived EVs; nEVs, neutrophil-derived EVs; NKcEVs, NK cell-derived EVs; mEVs, monocyte-derived EVs; PFP, platelet-free plasma; PS+, EVs exposing phosphatidylserine; and PS─, EVs that do not expose phosphatidylserine.
Table 1.
Absolute numbers and relative amounts of annexin V-positive and negative circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure subjects and chronic heart failure patients.
Table 1.
Absolute numbers and relative amounts of annexin V-positive and negative circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure subjects and chronic heart failure patients.
cEVs |
cHF (n = 119) |
Non-HF (n = 21) |
P-value |
AV+-EVs + AV─-EVs |
1079.12 [425.93 - 4702.2] |
803.72 [300.6 - 1104.67] |
0.135 |
AV+-EVs |
Total |
n |
159.6 [110.8 - 252.37] |
309.2 [121.14 - 453.31] |
0.022 |
% |
15.76 [3.76 - 32.47] |
51.48 [28.18 - 78.19] |
<0.001 |
CD309+ |
n |
1.9 [0-7.52] |
0 [0 - 2.90] |
0.154 |
% |
0.61 [0 - 2.16] |
0 [0 - 0.45] |
0.094 |
CD41a+ |
n |
124 [76.1 - 180.5] |
406 [110 - 646] |
0.001 |
% |
53.4 [44.03 - 62.52] |
85.61 [77.11 - 96.76] |
<0.001 |
CD45+ |
n |
36 [21.45 - 58] |
18 [9 - 38] |
0.007 |
% |
16.49 [11.37 - 24.59] |
9.01 [2.24 - 18.77] |
0.016 |
CD235ab+ |
n |
49.7 [17.5 - 88.35] |
4.3 [1.75 - 8.98] |
<0.001 |
% |
24.17 [13.91 - 33.10] |
1.33 [0.54 - 2.49] |
<0.001 |
CX43+ |
n |
4.6 [2 - 7.98] |
1.6 [0.8 - 8.0] |
0.083 |
% |
1.88 [1.05 - 2.98] |
0.56 [0.17 - 1.65] |
0.001 |
AV─-EVs |
Total |
n |
787.8 [262.2 - 4576.7] |
253.86 [99.57 - 703.16] |
0.007 |
% |
84.25 [67.53 - 96.24] |
48.52 [21.80 - 71.82] |
<0.001 |
CD309+ |
n |
12 [4 - 43.32] |
2 [1 - 8.44] |
<0.001 |
% |
23.08 [10.4 - 41.24] |
12.82 [2.03 - 19.05] |
0.012 |
CD41a+ |
n |
4.16 [2.0 - 9.5] |
5 [0.5 - 14.17] |
0.773 |
% |
6.76 [1.15 - 13.89] |
20.41 [0 - 38.9] |
0.032 |
CD45+ |
n |
4 [1.92 - 9.12] |
2.2 [0 - 4.0] |
0.036 |
% |
5.81 [1.74 - 12.51] |
6.01 [0 - 14.28] |
0.586 |
CD235ab+ |
n |
14 [4.63 - 28.5] |
6.0 [4.0 - 11.0] |
0.015 |
% |
19.56 [9.1 - 36.49] |
27.4 [11.11 - 47.62] |
0.245 |
CX43+ |
n |
18.60 [5.4 - 43.2] |
4.4 [1.6 - 14.0] |
0.001 |
% |
27.2 [15.23 - 42.81] |
18.06 [9.09 - 30.43] |
0.028 |
Table 2.
Absolute numbers of distinct subsets of platelet-derived annexin V-positive and negative circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure subjects and chronic heart failure patients.
Table 2.
Absolute numbers of distinct subsets of platelet-derived annexin V-positive and negative circulating extracellular vesicles in reference non-heart failure subjects and chronic heart failure patients.
pEVs |
cHF patients |
Non-HF subjects |
P-value |
AV+-pEVs |
CD31+ |
28.5 [16 - 58.9] |
166 [53 - 283.78] |
< 0.001 |
CD41a+ |
124 [80 - 178.6] |
406 [126 - 642] |
0.001 |
CD31+/CD41a+ |
28.25 [12 - 58.9] |
122 [40 - 220] |
0.001 |
CD62P+ |
30 [14 - 51.3] |
58 [31 - 92] |
0.010 |
AV─-pEVs |
CD31+ |
17.1 [6 - 44] |
4 [2 - 10] |
0.002 |
CD41a+ |
4.16 [2 - 9.5] |
5 [1 - 12.78] |
0.773 |
CD31+/CD41a+ |
0 [0 - 0] |
0 [0 - 0] |
0.123 |
CD62P+ |
2 [0 - 6] |
0 [0 - 4] |
0.085 |
Table 3.
Clinical characteristics of the studied chronic heart failure patient population.
Table 3.
Clinical characteristics of the studied chronic heart failure patient population.
Parameters |
Patients with cHF (n=119) |
Demographic characteristics |
Male, n (%) |
81 (68) |
Female, n (%) |
38 (32) |
Age, years |
67 ± 11.8 |
Clinical data |
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg |
120.4 ± 19.1 |
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg |
73.9 ± 11.1 |
Left ventricular ejection fraction, % |
45.59 ± 18.98 |
Comorbidities |
Smokers, n (%) |
13 (10.9) |
Hypertension, n (%) |
82 (68.9) |
Pulmonary hypertension, n (%) |
49 (41.1) |
Dyslipidaemia, n (%) |
64 (53.7) |
Chronic kidney disease, n (%) |
46 (38.6) |
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) |
53 (44.5) |
Atrial fibrillation, n (%) |
50 (42) |
Background medication |
Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, n (%) |
48 (40.3) |
Angiotensin II receptor blockers, n (%) |
35 (29.4) |
Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors, n (%) |
17 (14.2) |
Beta-blockers, n (%) |
100 (84) |
Aldosterone antagonists, n (%) |
66 (55.4) |
Diureticsa, n (%) |
103 (86.5) |
Ivabradine, n (%) |
14 (11.7) |
Statins, n (%) |
77 (64.7) |
Insulin, n (%) |
16 (13.4) |
Anti-diabetic drugs, n (%) |
40 (33.6) |
Anticoagulants, n (%) |
61 (51.2) |
Antiplatelet agents, n (%) |
46 (38.6) |
Anti-arrhythmic drugs, n (%) |
26 (21.8) |