Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Numerical Study on the Influence of Coupling Beam Modeling on Structural Accelerations during High-speed Train Crossings

Version 1 : Received: 22 June 2023 / Approved: 23 June 2023 / Online: 23 June 2023 (11:33:15 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Bettinelli, L.; Stollwitzer, A.; Fink, J. Numerical Study on the Influence of Coupling Beam Modeling on Structural Accelerations during High-Speed Train Crossings. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8746. Bettinelli, L.; Stollwitzer, A.; Fink, J. Numerical Study on the Influence of Coupling Beam Modeling on Structural Accelerations during High-Speed Train Crossings. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8746.


In the computational prediction of bridge vibrations due to high-speed train traffic, the most accurate results can be obtained by considering the interaction dynamics between the train, the superstructure, and the supporting structure. To achieve this, a detailed understanding of the coupling properties of all elements is crucial as they significantly influence the calculated vibrations. The studies in this article investigate the influence of different levels of modeling complexity on the computational acceleration results of single-span girder bridges with a ballasted superstructure. A numerical study on an extensive parameter field of single-span girder bridges is conducted to investigate the influence of modeling the bridge structures as coupling beams, i.e., by considering them as two vertically coupled beams representing the track (rails and sleepers) and the supporting structure. The connection between both beams reflects the stiffness and damping properties of the ballasted superstructure and can reproduce its load-distribution capacity. The excitation is applied as either a moving load or a multi-body model of the train, an Austrian Railjet, to evaluate interdependencies of interaction effects between the vehicle and track, and between track and bridge structure. The reference model is a simply-supported Bernoulli-Euler beam excited by moving axle loads. The comparison of acceleration results allows for identifying critical combinations of structural and train parameters for which the implementation of interaction dynamics has a particularly significant impact on the calculated vibrations and quantifying that impact. These findings provide the possibility of formulating structure-dependent recommendations concerning the targeted application of more complex modeling of the structure (coupling beam model) on the one hand and train (multi-body model) on the other.


Railway bridge dynamics; track-bridge interaction; vehicle-bridge interaction; coupling beam modeling


Engineering, Architecture, Building and Construction

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