Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Influence of Torque on Platform Deformity of the Tri-channel Implant: Two and Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Micro Computed Tomography

Version 1 : Received: 13 June 2023 / Approved: 14 June 2023 / Online: 14 June 2023 (03:15:05 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

de Morais, R.C.; Simionato, A.A.; Moris, I.C.M.; Leoni, G.B.; Faria, A.C.L.; Rodrigues, R.C.S.; Ribeiro, R.F. Influence of Torque on Platform Deformity of the Tri-Channel Implant: Two- and Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Micro-Computed Tomography. Medicina 2023, 59, 1311. de Morais, R.C.; Simionato, A.A.; Moris, I.C.M.; Leoni, G.B.; Faria, A.C.L.; Rodrigues, R.C.S.; Ribeiro, R.F. Influence of Torque on Platform Deformity of the Tri-Channel Implant: Two- and Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Micro-Computed Tomography. Medicina 2023, 59, 1311.


Background and Objectives: Mechanical and biological complications can lead to system fracture or screw loss on dental implants. Narrow and regular platforms have been used without a consensus about the effect of distance the abutment from the prosthetic platform margin. The aim of this study is to evaluate different insertion torques in the deformation of tri-channel platform connections through two- and three-dimensional measurements with micro-CT. Materials and Methods: 164 implants were divided into groups (platform diameter and type): 3.5, 3.75, and 4.3 mm NP (Narrow Platform), and 4.3 mm RP (Regular Platform). Each implant-platform group was then divided into four subgroups (n = 10) with different torques: T45 (45 Ncm), T80 (80 Ncm), T120 (120 Ncm) and T150 (150 Ncm). The implant-abutment-screw assemblies were scanned and the images obtained were analyzed. Results: A significant difference was observed for the linear and volume measures between the different platforms (p <0.01) and the different implant insertion torques (p <0.01). Qualitative analysis suggested higher deformation resistance for the 3.75 NP compared to the 3.5 NP, and RP was more resistant compared to the NP. Conclusions: The 0.25-mm increment in the implant platform did not increase the resistance to the applied insertion torques; the 4.3-mm implant was significantly stronger compared to the 3.5-mm implant and the proposed micro-CT analysis was considered valid for both 2D and 3D analyses of micro gaps, qualitatively and quantitatively.


Dental implants; Dental Implant-Abutment Design; keyword 1; X-Ray Microtomography


Medicine and Pharmacology, Dentistry and Oral Surgery

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