Version 1
: Received: 6 June 2023 / Approved: 7 June 2023 / Online: 7 June 2023 (05:50:23 CEST)
How to cite:
Xuan, Y.; Jin, J.; Yao, Y.; Sang, B. State Anxiety and Intertemporal Decision-Making: The Mediation Effect of Inhibition Control and the Moderation Effect of Trait Anxiety. Preprints2023, 2023060488.
Xuan, Y.; Jin, J.; Yao, Y.; Sang, B. State Anxiety and Intertemporal Decision-Making: The Mediation Effect of Inhibition Control and the Moderation Effect of Trait Anxiety. Preprints 2023, 2023060488.
Xuan, Y.; Jin, J.; Yao, Y.; Sang, B. State Anxiety and Intertemporal Decision-Making: The Mediation Effect of Inhibition Control and the Moderation Effect of Trait Anxiety. Preprints2023, 2023060488.
APA Style
Xuan, Y., Jin, J., Yao, Y., & Sang, B. (2023). State Anxiety and Intertemporal Decision-Making: The Mediation Effect of Inhibition Control and the Moderation Effect of Trait Anxiety. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Xuan, Y., Yujia Yao and Biao Sang. 2023 "State Anxiety and Intertemporal Decision-Making: The Mediation Effect of Inhibition Control and the Moderation Effect of Trait Anxiety" Preprints.
Purpose: To clarify the mechanism of state anxiety on intertemporal decision-making, two studies were conducted to investigate the role of trait anxiety and inhibitory control. Study 1 examined the moderating effect of trait anxiety. Study 2 continued to investigate the mediating effect of inhibition control on the basis of study 1. Methods: A total of 266 Chinese college students participated. Participants’ state anxiety, trait anxiety and intertemporal decision-making were measured by questionnaires (scales) respectively. And inhibition control was evaluated by two-choice oddball paradigm. Results: The results of Study 1 indicated that state anxiety could predict intertemporal decision-making and that the moderating effect of trait anxiety on this relationship was significant. Study 2 found that inhibitory control could completely moderate the relationship between state anxiety and intertemporal decision-making and that this indirect effect was affected by trait anxiety. Conclusion: 1)Individuals with higher trait anxiety are more inclined to make more impulsive and intertemporal decisions when they have a high level of state anxiety; 2)state anxiety allows inhibitory control ability to have a further effect on intertemporal decision-making; and 3)the higher trait anxiety in individuals, the stronger mediating effect of inhibitory control on the relationship between state anxiety and intertemporal decision-making.
state anxiety; trait anxiety; intertemporal decision-making; inhibitory control
Social Sciences, Psychology
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