Version 1
: Received: 2 June 2023 / Approved: 6 June 2023 / Online: 6 June 2023 (09:59:06 CEST)
How to cite:
Asiri, E. J.; Dawria, A.; Narapureddy, B. R.; Reddy, L. K. V.; Zahrani, Y.; Mugaiahgari, B. K. M.; Mohieldin, A.; Khan, M. S.; Muzammil, K.; Altijani, A. A. G. Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 and Its Associated Factors Among People Living in Abha City, Saudi Arabia. Preprints2023, 2023060435.
Asiri, E. J.; Dawria, A.; Narapureddy, B. R.; Reddy, L. K. V.; Zahrani, Y.; Mugaiahgari, B. K. M.; Mohieldin, A.; Khan, M. S.; Muzammil, K.; Altijani, A. A. G. Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 and Its Associated Factors Among People Living in Abha City, Saudi Arabia. Preprints 2023, 2023060435.
Asiri, E. J.; Dawria, A.; Narapureddy, B. R.; Reddy, L. K. V.; Zahrani, Y.; Mugaiahgari, B. K. M.; Mohieldin, A.; Khan, M. S.; Muzammil, K.; Altijani, A. A. G. Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 and Its Associated Factors Among People Living in Abha City, Saudi Arabia. Preprints2023, 2023060435.
APA Style
Asiri, E. J., Dawria, A., Narapureddy, B. R., Reddy, L. K. V., Zahrani, Y., Mugaiahgari, B. K. M., Mohieldin, A., Khan, M. S., Muzammil, K., & Altijani, A. A. G. (2023). Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 and Its Associated Factors Among People Living in Abha City, Saudi Arabia. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Asiri, E. J., Khursheed Muzammil and Abdelrhman Ahmed Galaleldin Altijani. 2023 "Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 and Its Associated Factors Among People Living in Abha City, Saudi Arabia" Preprints.
Background: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets from an infected person and contact with tainted surfaces or items. Social distancing became the primary measure of preventing the spread of COVID-19, with the principal aim being to reduce the probability of contact with an already infected person. Social distancing can be distressing, as it is against the community's way of life. Saudi Arabia imposed a curfew and suspended all religious, entertainment, sporting, and mass congregations. The daily updates on COVID-19 infection and mortality are upsetting and further, aggravate depression and anxiety. With this background, this study was planned with the following objectives. To determine the sociodemographic profile of the study participants, to find the prevalence of psychological morbidity, and to measure the association between the sociodemographic details, COVID-19 associated factors, and psychological effects among Abha citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional community-based study was conducted in the Abha city population from August 2021 to July 22. This study followed snowball sampling, the data was collected using an online Google form the link was shared in WhatsApp groups and through emails to contacts, asking friends to share it with their friends, until reaching the adequate sample size the responses were accepted. Results: A total of 530 participated, and their age ranged from 19 -70 years. Many of the participants (34.5%, n=183) belonged to 36-45 years old. Most of the responders were 69.8% married and Females (69.2%, n=367). Half of the participants had been quarantined (49.6%), and 51.5% were scared from fear of COVID-19. 64.8% of the participants had depression; 14.2%, 20.8%, 13.6%, and 16.2% had mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe depression, respectively. Around 58.2% of participants suffered from anxiety; 5.8% experienced mild anxiety, 21.7% moderate anxiety, and 30.7% severe anxiety. The proportion of stress among the participants was 45.0%; 10.8% had mild stress, 9.4% had moderate stress, and 24.5% had severe to extremely severe stress. Conclusions: COVID-19 poses mental health problems among individuals and communities. There is a need to find the more susceptible individuals for mental health issues or other psychological disorders. Mental health and psychological problems can be resolved with health education, counseling, and appropriate interventions to curb the negative health impacts of COVID-19.
COVID-19; Mental Health problems; DASS-21 scale; Depression; Anxiety
Medicine and Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Mental Health
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