Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Structural Assessment Based on Vibration Measurement Test Combined With an Artificial Neural Network for the Steel Truss Bridge

Version 1 : Received: 31 May 2023 / Approved: 1 June 2023 / Online: 1 June 2023 (04:38:41 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Tran, M.Q.; Sousa, H.S.; Ngo, T.V.; Nguyen, B.D.; Nguyen, Q.T.; Nguyen, H.X.; Baron, E.; Matos, J.; Dang, S.N. Structural Assessment Based on Vibration Measurement Test Combined with an Artificial Neural Network for the Steel Truss Bridge. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7484. Tran, M.Q.; Sousa, H.S.; Ngo, T.V.; Nguyen, B.D.; Nguyen, Q.T.; Nguyen, H.X.; Baron, E.; Matos, J.; Dang, S.N. Structural Assessment Based on Vibration Measurement Test Combined with an Artificial Neural Network for the Steel Truss Bridge. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7484.


Damage assessment is one of the most crucial issues for bridge engineers, especially for existing steel bridges. Among several methodologies, the vibration measurement test is a typical approach in which the natural frequency variation of the structure is monitored to detect the existence of damage. However, locating and quantifying the damage is still a big challenge. In this regard, the artificial intelligence (AI)-based approach seems a potential way to accomplish those obstacles. This study deploys a comprehensive campaign to determine all dynamic parameters of a pre-damage steel truss bridge structure. Based on the results of mode shape, natural frequency, and damping ratio, a finite element model (FEM) is created and keeps updating. The artificial intelligence network's input data will be analyzed and evaluation from damage cases. The trained artificial neural network model will be curated and evaluated to confirm the approach's feasibility. During the actual operational stage of the steel truss bridge, this damage assessment system is showing good performance in terms of monitoring the structural behavior of the bridge under some unexpected accidents.


ANN; FEM; damage assessment; structural health monitoring; steel truss bridge


Engineering, Civil Engineering

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