Verschuren, C.; Tims, M.; De Lange, A.H. Beyond Bullying, Aggression, Discrimination, and Social Safety: Development of an Integrated Negative Work Behavior Questionnaire (INWBQ). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2023, 20, 6564.
Verschuren, C.; Tims, M.; De Lange, A.H. Beyond Bullying, Aggression, Discrimination, and Social Safety: Development of an Integrated Negative Work Behavior Questionnaire (INWBQ). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 6564.
Verschuren, C.; Tims, M.; De Lange, A.H. Beyond Bullying, Aggression, Discrimination, and Social Safety: Development of an Integrated Negative Work Behavior Questionnaire (INWBQ). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2023, 20, 6564.
Verschuren, C.; Tims, M.; De Lange, A.H. Beyond Bullying, Aggression, Discrimination, and Social Safety: Development of an Integrated Negative Work Behavior Questionnaire (INWBQ). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 6564.
Negative work behavior (NWB) threatens employee well-being. There are numerous constructs that reflect NWBs, such as bullying, aggression, and discrimination and they are often examined in isolation of each other, limiting scientific integration of these studies. We aim to contribute to this research field by developing a diagnostic tool with content validity on the full spectrum of NWBs. First, we provide a full description of how we tapped and organized content from 44 existing NWB measurement instruments and 48 studies. Second, we discussed our results with experts (N = 3) in this research field to check for missing studies and to discuss our integration results. This two-stage process yielded a questionnaire measuring physical, material, psychological, sociocultural, and digital NWB. Furthermore, the questions include a range of potential actors of NWB, namely internal (employees, managers) and external actors (clients, customers, public, family members) at work and their roles (i.e., target, perpetrator, perpetrator's assistant, target's defender, outsider, and witness of NWBs). Finally, the questionnaire measures what type of harm is experienced (i.e., bodily, material, mental, and social harm).
Business, Economics and Management, Human Resources and Organizations
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