Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Effect of Bending Load and Sulfate Erosion on the Properties of Cementitious Materials

Version 1 : Received: 23 May 2023 / Approved: 24 May 2023 / Online: 24 May 2023 (04:38:30 CEST)

How to cite: Wen, Y.; Li, Y.; Han, G.; Liu, L.; Zhang, C.; Feng, Y. Effect of Bending Load and Sulfate Erosion on the Properties of Cementitious Materials. Preprints 2023, 2023051691. Wen, Y.; Li, Y.; Han, G.; Liu, L.; Zhang, C.; Feng, Y. Effect of Bending Load and Sulfate Erosion on the Properties of Cementitious Materials. Preprints 2023, 2023051691.


The goal of this lab is to look at how the characteristics of cementitious materials are affected by bending loads combined with dry and wet cycles of sulfate. In this paper, three sets of specimens with different water–cement ratios were designed. This study applied 20% and 40% of the ultimate bending load as a continuous bending load to the cementitious material specimens for a sulfate erosion test. It was discovered that the specimens' porosity, flexural strength, and compressive strength all tended to improve initially before declining as the cementitious material was degraded in the sulfate solution aged. The flexural strength of the cementitious materials declined as the bending load increased, and their internal sulfate ion concentration rose. A transport model of sulfate ions in cementitious materials under the coupling effect of bending load and sulfate erosion was created by combining the improved version of Fick’s second law and chemical reaction kinetics. The simulation results show that the ion transport properties of sulfate ions in cementitious materials are in accordance with the experimental laws. These research results formed the basis of the unified standards for the coupling of load dry and wet cycle systems, as well as evaluating the durability of cementitious materials under corrosive environments.


bending load; sulfate erosion; dry and wet cycle; cement-based materials; ion concentration; numerical simulation


Engineering, Civil Engineering

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