Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Assessing the Impact of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater on Water Quality of River Yamuna in Delhi

Version 1 : Received: 18 May 2023 / Approved: 19 May 2023 / Online: 19 May 2023 (10:01:09 CEST)

How to cite: Yadav, S.; Anand, S.; Kapoor, P.; Emam, W.; Tashkandy, Y.; Hussain, S.; Yadav, S. Assessing the Impact of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater on Water Quality of River Yamuna in Delhi. Preprints 2023, 2023051422. Yadav, S.; Anand, S.; Kapoor, P.; Emam, W.; Tashkandy, Y.; Hussain, S.; Yadav, S. Assessing the Impact of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater on Water Quality of River Yamuna in Delhi. Preprints 2023, 2023051422.


The Yamuna River in Delhi is a prevalent epitome of the depleted ecosystem that has transformed into a sewage drain due to intense pollution and blooming anthropogenic pressure. As a leading polluter, Delhi contributes to more than 70% of Yamuna's pollution load. Its drains discharge a massive B.O.D. load daily into the river, making it severely polluted, as reflected by the water quality index. The paper uses secondary data to analyze the parameters to determine the water quality of Yamuna at different monitoring sites. It performs correlation analysis to determine the relationship among factors contributing to river water pollution. The results of correlation analysis suggest a highly significant association between parameters COD-BOD, but the association is mild to a minimum among other parameters such as BOD-DO, BOD-pH, COD-DO, COD-pH and DO-pH. Most parameters were observed to be above the hazardous level acceptable for using river water. The analysis of S.T.P.s indicates the need to increase the capacity in terms of treatment, storage, reopening of closed plants and efficient operation to meet the increasing demand for fresh Water. Also, there is a need to create demand for wastewater in different sectors of urban areas like construction, horticulture, industrial coolants, etc.


Correlation Matrix; Drain Locations; Quality Parameters; River Yamuna; S.T.P.S; Wastewater Management; Water


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science

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