Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

An Improved Design of the MultiCal on-site Calibration Device for Industrial Robots

Version 1 : Received: 19 May 2023 / Approved: 19 May 2023 / Online: 19 May 2023 (08:27:51 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Wan, Z.; Zhou, C.; Lin, Z.; Yan, H.; Tang, W.; Wang, Z.; Wu, J. An Improved Design of the MultiCal On-Site Calibration Device for Industrial Robots. Sensors 2023, 23, 5717. Wan, Z.; Zhou, C.; Lin, Z.; Yan, H.; Tang, W.; Wang, Z.; Wu, J. An Improved Design of the MultiCal On-Site Calibration Device for Industrial Robots. Sensors 2023, 23, 5717.


MultiCal is an affordable, high-precision measuring device designed for the on-site calibration of industrial robots. Its design features a long measuring rod with a spherical tip that is attached to the robot. By restricting the rod’s tip to multiple fixed points under different rod orientations, the relative positions of these points are accurately measured beforehand. A common issue with MultiCal is the gravity deformation of the long measuring rod, which introduces measurement errors into the system. This problem becomes especially serious when calibrating large robots, as the length of the measuring rod needs to be increased to enable the robot to move in a sufficient space. To address this issue, we propose two improvements in this paper. Firstly, we suggest the use of a new design of the measuring rod that is lightweight yet has high rigidity. Secondly, we propose a deformation compensation algorithm. Experimental results have shown that the new measuring rod improves calibration accuracy by 20% to 39%, while by using the deformation compensation algorithm, the accuracy increases by 6% to 16%. In the best configuration, the calibration accuracy is similar to that of a measuring arm with a laser scanner, producing an average positioning error of 0.274 mm and a maximum positioning error of 0.838 mm. The improved design is cost-affordable, robust, and has sufficient accuracy, making MultiCal a more reliable tool for industrial robot calibration.


calibration device; kinematic calibration; on-site calibration; industrial robot; accuracy measurement


Engineering, Automotive Engineering

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