Version 1
: Received: 19 May 2023 / Approved: 19 May 2023 / Online: 19 May 2023 (08:20:10 CEST)
How to cite:
Wali, N.; Xiao, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J.; Zhong, W. Preliminary Exploration on the Low-Pressure Ar-O2 Plasma Generated by Low-Frequency Alternating Current (AC) Power Supply. Preprints2023, 2023051408.
Wali, N.; Xiao, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J.; Zhong, W. Preliminary Exploration on the Low-Pressure Ar-O2 Plasma Generated by Low-Frequency Alternating Current (AC) Power Supply. Preprints 2023, 2023051408.
Wali, N.; Xiao, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J.; Zhong, W. Preliminary Exploration on the Low-Pressure Ar-O2 Plasma Generated by Low-Frequency Alternating Current (AC) Power Supply. Preprints2023, 2023051408.
APA Style
Wali, N., Xiao, W., Wang, C., Ma, J., & Zhong, W. (2023). Preliminary Exploration on the Low-Pressure Ar-O2 Plasma Generated by Low-Frequency Alternating Current (AC) Power Supply. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Wali, N., J.T. Ma and W.J. Zhong. 2023 "Preliminary Exploration on the Low-Pressure Ar-O2 Plasma Generated by Low-Frequency Alternating Current (AC) Power Supply" Preprints.
We report a preliminary exploration on the low-pressure Ar-O2 plasma generated by low-frequency alternating current (AC) power supply in the low-temperature Plasma Experimental Power Supply (CTP-2000S) for the first time. The electron density 〖(n〗_e), the electron temperature 〖(T〗_e) and the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) are measured by the single Langmuir probe in this experiment. Experimental results show that the ne increases with gas pressure rising, while the ne decreases with the oxygen concentrations rising. And, a plasma density peak is also observed with the AC power supply increase. A comparison between this work and the previous results by RF source suggests that the low-frequency AC power supply may be very fruitful exploration to generate the low-pressure plasma.
low-pressure Ar-O2 plasma; single Langmuir probe; electron density; electron temperature; elec-tron energy distribution function; low-frequency AC power supply
Physical Sciences, Fluids and Plasmas Physics
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