According to Levitt and Peña, the outcome of surgical patients can be based on the anatomical classification of the ARM and the presence of sacral and/or associated spinal cord anomalies. [
18]. The authors described the morphological and functional factors responsible for constipation (megarectum, megasigmoid, and denervation) and fecal incontinence (defect of development of anal sphincters, rectal sensation, and bowel motility) and proposed an individualized bowel management program that must be started early for patients with the worst prognosis in order to keep the patient clean and stooling regularly and to improve their quality of life: the goal of a BM program is to find a laxative or enema regimen that reliably empties the colon, allows the patient to achieve social continence, and resume daily activities. [
44]. There is a need for assessment tools to standardize clinical outcomes in patients with ARM: these tools can be either laboratory methods such as anorectal manometry or clinical scoring systems identifying a correlation between them, in order to use these as prognostic outcomes with a practical implication.
Constipation is the most frequent morbidity encountered after the surgical repair of an ARM and is most common in patients having preserved rectosigmoid after pull-down surgery for ARMs: it occurs due to mechanical or functional reasons and its inadequate treatment can result in mega rectum/mega rectosigmoid leading to fecal impaction and overflow incontinence [
18]. Failure to recognize or adequately treat this associated hypomotility in ARM patients can lead to significant morbidity, which we believe is largely preventable. Children treated for low ARM usually have a good bowel control, but still may suffer from temporary episodes of fecal incontinence, especially when they experience diarrhea. Some 25% of all ARM children suffer from true fecal incontinence, and those are the patients who will need a constant and tailored bowel management program to keep clean: they have a hypoplastic anal sphincter, correlated to severity of ARM, and unfortunately in some cases this can be worsened by surgery if there is no correct centering of the neoanus within the muscle complex, or if there is damage to the rectum innervation during its mobilization. [
Evaluation of the sacrum in patients with ARM is important because of the well-established association between sacral hypodevelopment or dysmorphism and poor functional outcome after anorectal reconstruction. In addition to the sacral bony abnormalities, evaluation of spinal dysraphism should include abnormalities of the spinal cord itself because so-called spinal cord tethering is associated with various orthopedic, urologic, and gastrointestinal problems. The presence of severe sacral abnormalities is associated with hypoplastic sphincters. If more than two sacral vertebrae are missing, or if the patient has other major sacral deformities, such as hemivertebrae and vertebral fusions, the functional outcome is worse than in patients with normal sacrum or lesser degree of sacral maldevelopment: a sacral ratio less of 0.6 was related to poor outcome. The prevalence of spinal dysraphism in patients with ARMs is about 35 %, and clinically significant spinal cord tethering requiring detethering surgery is about 20 %: more complex types of anorectal defects were associated with a higher prevalence of spinal dysraphism. [
31]. Regarding the functional assessment of continence with anorectal conventional manometric, data obtained at rest and after voluntary muscular contraction and information related to rectal sensation and after eliciting the RAIR, can give a good picture of sphincter activity. The resting pressure depends on the constant state of contraction if the IAS at rest (85%) and partially on the EAS (15%), whereas the squeezing pressure is generated by the voluntary contraction of the EAS. A positive RAIR indicates good activity of the IAS, whereas its absence correlates well to a deficiency or scarring of the sphincter. [
46]. Manometric studies in children with ARM have demonstrated that low intra-anal pressures at rest-squeeze, and the absence of the recto-anal inhibitory reflex (RAIR) are associated with poor clinical outcomes and incontinence. Many patients with ARM lack the recto-anal inhibitory reflex probably as a consequence of corrective surgery or the inborn atresia of the anal canal: an absence of RAIR is proposed to contribute to the development of constipation as it increases anal resting pressure [
50]. These manometric data was well correlated with morphological studies using endoanal ultrasound [
53] and magnetic resonance (MRI) [
58].: Caldaro et al underlined how the integrity of the IAS and an adequate anal resting pressure (ARP) of 30 mm Hg were necessary to assure a good continence. [
53]. In our previous study we demonstrated a good correlation between manometry and magnetic resonance correlating this to the response to biofeedback and BM. [
59]. However, traditional water-perfused and 2D high-resolution manometric testing do not allow for full characterization of the anal canal and its individual muscle contributions: it does not provide specific information about individual components of anorectal pressure and function and so it can’t predict an exact prognosis. Recently, 3D high-definition anorectal manometry (3D HRAM) has been evolved for a detailed assessment of pressure distributions in the anal canal: it has 256 sensors distributed circumferentially providing a topographic and three-dimensional (3D) pressure representation of the anal canal. [
36]. Well correlating with MRI and ultrasound, 3D HRAM has been used in adults to evaluate anatomic structures and delineate the individual muscle contributions of the puborectalis (PR) muscle, internal anal sphincter (IAS), and the external anal sphincter (EAS) to intra-anal pressure characteristics. [
62]. In patients with ARM a radial and longitudinal asymmetry across the anal canal and sphincter defects have been demonstrated and these data could be correlated to the severity of fecal incontinence. Elevated distal canal pressures on anorectal manometry are a primary contribution of the EAS: inadequate placement of the anal opening to the center of the EAS muscle complex affects continence and disruption, defects, and scarring of the EAS muscle complex have been associated with low intra-anal pressures and clinically correlated with FI. During the dynamic process from rest to squeeze the ability to generate the squeeze was significantly different between controls and ARM patients, indicating a decline in the ability to voluntarily recruit the EAS muscles and generate appropriate squeeze effort and this has been associated with altered fecal continence [
65]. The PR muscle plays a key role in maintenance of continence by preservation of the anorectal angle at rest and by contraction and narrowing of the anorectal angle during squeeze. Abnormalities of the PR muscle complex disrupt its ability to modulate the anorectal angle and, therefore, compromise continence: these data have been shown in children with anorectal malformations with poor clinical outcomes and associated FI. [
66]. High-resolution manometry also enables a precise diagnosis of the type of dyssynergia: ARM-patients with constipation have a dyssynergic pattern type 1 in 90% of cases and type IV in the last cases. [
68]. There is a great variation in literature as for functional results after repair of anorectal malformations. This is due to the fact that there is no generally agreed method to assess the bowel function of patients with anorectal malformations. In the study of Ambartsumyan et al, manometric properties obtained with 3D HRAM at rest were not associated with reported predictor of fecal continence. [
66] In our analysis, we confirmed the results of previous studies conducted with traditional manometry: ARM patients showed anomalies of sphincter as lower pressure values, in particular the posterior quadrant pressures are diminished at rest and squeeze in the high ARM group vs low and an altered topographic 3D view was showed, RAIR was absent in high ARM especially in cases with associated spinal anomalies. Radial and longitudinal aspect of the anal channel was different in high and low ARM. Differently from previous 3D HRAM study, we found a strong correlation between manometric results and clinical outcome, with specific regard to the type of ARM and presence of urological and spinal anomalies. In order to simplify the comparison and correlation with clinical continence score, we created an anatomic and a manometric score taking into account the status of perineum post-surgery and the main parameters evaluated during manometry. Manometric results correlated well to clinical and anatomical scores; our study demonstrates that patients with high ARM and spinal anomalies show lower values of the manometric score, and that is correlated to a poor response to BM. Such correlations enhance the value of manometry, especially 3D HRAM, as a study tool in patients with ARM, in order to provide prognostic data that correlates with the degree of continence and quality of life perspectives: based on manometric data, we can predict how the patient will respond to BM, and so we can tailor the BM with TAI and BFB treatment in order to ensure the maximum level of cleanliness. We propose a biofeedback program to collaborative patients with disruptions of the IAS to develop the strength of the sphincter: biofeedback exercises improve patients' control of the appropriate group of muscles for continence and can also increase the compliance of children with the other bowel management treatments [
59]. In patients with high ARMs and severe defects of the IAS, biofeedback therapy was performed to reinforce voluntary sphincter function because adequate anal continence could not be achieved when IAS was absent.