1. Introduction
In his seminal monograph [
5], G. Shimura defined a complete set
of representatives for the projective line
to be all couples
of positive integers satisfying
denote the greatest common divisor of integers
c and
to be the greatest integer less than or equal to
x. For two integers
, define
. In this paper, we define
We then establish a bijection between
Section 2. This result gives a recursive algorithm to construct the projective line
. In [
2], Ju. I. Manin proved that there exists a bijection between
and the set of cusps on
. Based on Manin’s result and Cremona’s characterization(See Proposition 3), we identify
which is a subset of
. In
Section 3, we establish a bijection between
. This result gives a recursive algorithm to construct the complete set of representatives of
-inequivalent cusps.
Then there exist bijections between
and complete sets of representatives of
-inequivalent elliptic points of order 2, 3, respectively. In
Section 4, we establish bijections between
, for
. These results give a recursive algorithm for constructing the complete set
-inequivalent elliptic points of order 2, 3.
The elements in are called Manin symbols and there exists a bijection between the set of right cosets of in and . The important steps in the modular elliptic algorithm are to construct the complete set of representatives for the projective line and the complete set of representatives of -inequivalent cusps. The recursive structure of and may give rise to a more efficient modular elliptic algorithm.
2. The recursive structure of Manin symbols over
We firstly give some necessary notations and facts, for details, See [
Definition 1.
define if ,
then ∼ is an equivalence relation on ;
, define ;
is defined in (1);
, , and are the numbers of elements in and , respectively.
Lemma 1. Let , , and then there exists an integer k such that and .
Proof. If , take then . Thus let in the following. Let be the standard factorization of c. The proof is by induction on the numbers of distinct prime divisors in c. Suppose that . Assume that and then and . Thus and , this contradicts with and hence for some .
Let . By the induction hypothesis, there exists an integer such that and . Then . Assume that and then and . Thus and hence by . Therefore . This contradicts with and hence or . Take or, then for some . This completes the proof by the induction principal. □
Corollary 1. Let , then the equation has solutions in .
Lemma 2. There exists a bijection between and .
Proof. Let . Define for all . Then and by . Thus . Define by sending to .
Let such that . Define for all . Then and . Thus for all . Let and . Then and . Suppose that then by but by and , a contradiction and thus . holds by a similar proof and thus and . Therefore is an injection from to .
Let . By Lemma 1, there exists an integer k such that and . Let such that and for all . Define . Then and . Therefore is a surjection from to . □
Lemma 3. There exists a bijection between and , i.e., is a complete system of the representatives of elements of .
Proof. Define by the natural map, i.e., .
Let . Then . Define , to be the unique solution of the congruence equation such that . Then there exists an integer y such that . Assume that there exists a prime p such that . Then and , this contradicts with and thus . Hence . Then there exists the unique which corresponds to . Hence , i.e., .
Assume that such that . Then
and thus there exists an integerk such that . Thus by and by . Hence by and by . Therefore and by and the definition of . Thus is a bijection between and . This completes the proof. □
Theorem 1. Let , . Then there exists a bijection between and .
Proof. Let
. Assume that there exists a prime
p such that
. Then
. If
and thus
, which contradicts with
. The case of
is tackled by a similar way. Therefore
for some
k such that
for all
. Then
. Define
by sending
Assume that
for some
. Then
. Therefore
. Hence
. Then
. Then
. Let
, then
. Let
be a particular solution of the equation
are solutions of
for all integers
. Take
, then
. Hence
. Let and which correspond to and , respectively. Then and for some . Then . Then .
Thus is a bijection between and . □
Proposition 1.
Let p be a prime and l a positive integer. Then
Proof. (c) is immediately from (b) and Theorem 1. □
Algorithm 1.
- (1)
Construct D( by Proposition 1(a);
- (2)
Given and for , is constructed as follows. For all ,, define , for some such that and for all . Then and all elements in are constructed if all pairs in are processed.
3. The recursive structure of cusps
In order to describe the cusps on
, Ju. I. Manin in [
2] introduced the set
, which consists of pairs of the form
. Here
runs through all positive divisors of
N, and the second coordinate of the pair runs through any invertible class of residues modulo the greatest common divisor of
. If
we sometimes put simply 1 in place of the second coordinate.
Proposition 2. Let ; . The map of the form gives an isomorphism of the set of cusps on with .
Proof. See Proposition 2.2 in [
2]. □
In [
1], J. E. Cremona gives the following characterization of cusps of
Proposition 3. For let be cusps written in lowest terms. The following are equivalent:
for some ;
and , with ;
, where satisfies .
Proof. See Proposition 2.2.3 in [
1]. □
Lemma 4. There exists a bijection between and .
Proof. It holds by , and Lemma 2. □
Lemma 5. There exists a bijection between and .
Proof. Let
such that
, let
for some
. Then there exists
such that
. Thus
. Then
. Define
By Proposition 3,
. Then
for some . Thus by , , and . Hence iff . Therefore is a bijection between and . □
Lemma 6. There exists a bijection between and .
Proof. It is immediately from Lemma 4 and 5. □
Lemma 7. Let . Then there exists a bijection between and .
Proof. Let then . Let then and . Thus , by . Let and then and . Thus and . Define by .
For any
, let
there exists an integer
d such that
. Thus
and hence
is a surjective map.
Let . Then , and . Thus and . Hence and by , , and . Therefore is an injective map. Then is a bijection between and . □
Theorem 2. Let . Then there exists a bijection between and .
Proof. It is immediately from Lemma 4 and 7. □
Proposition 4.
Let p be a prime and l a positive integer. Then
Proof. (c) is immediately from (b) and Theorem 2. □
Algorithm 2.
- (1)
Construct C() by Proposition 4(a);
- (2)
Let for . Given and . is constructed as follows. For all ,, define . Determinate such that
Determinate such that and . Then and all elements in are constructed if all pairs in are processed.
4. The recursive structure of elliptic points of
is defined in (3). Then
are complete sets of representatives of
-inequivalent elliptic points of order 2, 3, respectively.
Theorem 3. Let and . Then
there exists a bijection between and ;
there exists a bijection between and .
Proof. (a) Let and . Let d be the unique integer such that , and then .
. Define
is a bijection between
. The proof of (b) is similar to that of (a) and omitted. □
Proposition 5.
Let be a prime and . Then
Proof. Let then . Since the system of two equations and has a common solution iff , the number of solutions of is equal to that of if . The cases of or are trivial and we then let in the following. Then has a solution iff iff by . In addition, has two and only two solutions when it is solvable. This completes the proof. □
Proposition 6.
Let be a prime and . Then
Proof. Let
. Since the system of two equations
has a common solution iff
, the number of solutions of
is equal to that of
. The cases of
are trivial and we then let
in the following.
has a solution iff
has a solution by taking
and substituting
y when
. Then
has a solution iff
. In addition,
has two and only two solutions if it is solvable. This completes the proof. □
As an application of Theorem 4, we give an elementary proof of the following well-known results by Proposition 5 and 6 (See Proposition 1.43 in [
Corollary 2.
Corollary 3.
Let be the genus of modular curve . Then for any ,
Proof. It is immediately from Theorem 1, 2, 3 and the formula for the genus of
Algorithm 3.
- (1)
Construct () by the general method;
- (2)
. Given
is constructed as follows. For all
, Determinate
d such that
Then and all elements in are constructed if all pairs in are processed.