Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Performance Evaluation of 6LoWPAN-based `PC-IoHT’ under Malicious Activities

Version 1 : Received: 6 May 2023 / Approved: 8 May 2023 / Online: 8 May 2023 (03:17:36 CEST)

How to cite: Verma, H.; Chauhan, N.; Awasthi, L. K.; A., R.; Kumar, A.; Choi, B. J. Performance Evaluation of 6LoWPAN-based `PC-IoHT’ under Malicious Activities. Preprints 2023, 2023050428. Verma, H.; Chauhan, N.; Awasthi, L. K.; A., R.; Kumar, A.; Choi, B. J. Performance Evaluation of 6LoWPAN-based `PC-IoHT’ under Malicious Activities. Preprints 2023, 2023050428.


The Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) is an essential IoT domain that encompasses the necessary capabilities to transform the current healthcare system. IoHT generates, transfers, manages, stores, and processes highly confidential medical data and sensitive personal information. Thus, IoHT is a critical application from a security perspective and is most favorably targeted by attackers. Several security-breaching attempts can be carried out due to the vulnerabilities of the IoHT that put classified data at constant risk. Henceforth, this work aims to inspect the performance of 6LoWPAN-RPL-based `Patient-Centric IoHT’ in the presence of malicious intruders conducting blackhole, rank, and DoDAG attacks in both normal and emergency operational modes of the mentioned resource-constraint network. PC-IoHT is simulated on the Cooja simulator and Contiki-OS for each attack with two and four intruders (out of 10 motes) for both operation modes. Several performance evaluation parameters are used to assess the overall performance of the considered PC-IoHT. The attacks’ impact on PC-IoHT is analyzed by comparing blackhole, rank, and DoDAG attacks with the no-attack scenario.


Attacks-in-IoHT; Attack analysis; Malicious activities in IoHT; DoDAG attack; Blackhole attack; Rank attack; 6LoWPAN-IoT; Patient-centric IoHT; Resource-constrained IoHT; IoHT performance evaluation; RPL-based IoHT


Computer Science and Mathematics, Security Systems

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