Widayat, Y.Y.; Karlina, N.; Munajat, M.D.E.; Ningrum, S. Mapping Policy Actors Using Social Network Analysis on Integrated Urban Farming Program in Bandung City. Sustainability2023, 15, 9612.
Widayat, Y.Y.; Karlina, N.; Munajat, M.D.E.; Ningrum, S. Mapping Policy Actors Using Social Network Analysis on Integrated Urban Farming Program in Bandung City. Sustainability 2023, 15, 9612.
Widayat, Y.Y.; Karlina, N.; Munajat, M.D.E.; Ningrum, S. Mapping Policy Actors Using Social Network Analysis on Integrated Urban Farming Program in Bandung City. Sustainability2023, 15, 9612.
Widayat, Y.Y.; Karlina, N.; Munajat, M.D.E.; Ningrum, S. Mapping Policy Actors Using Social Network Analysis on Integrated Urban Farming Program in Bandung City. Sustainability 2023, 15, 9612.
This research aims to produce a network structure in the Integrated Urban Farming Program in Bandung City to map the policy actors involved in it as an effort to support food security in the city. This research uses a mixed method with an exploratory sequential strategy involving policy actors from the government, private sector, academia, community, and mass media. To obtain the network structure in integrated urban farming to determine the most important actors, this research uses a social network analysis approach by utilizing the Gephi application. The network structure is based on four dimensions, namely centrality. The results of this study confirm that the actor who has the most connections (degree centrality), as well as the one who holds the best communication control (betweenness centrality), is Parahyangan Catholic University (Academic). While the actor who plays the most important role (eigenvector) is at the lower level of the government Sub-District and Urban Village. This research is useful for explaining the importance of the position of actors in the urban agriculture policy network which is the key to the success of a program.
urban farming; actors; policy network; social network analysis
Social Sciences, Political Science
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