Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Ice Formation: Validation and Parameter Analysis

Version 1 : Received: 24 March 2023 / Approved: 27 March 2023 / Online: 27 March 2023 (02:58:46 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Ferro, C.G.; Maggiore, P.; Champvillair, D. Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Ice Formation: Validation and Parameter Analysis. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 834. Ferro, C.G.; Maggiore, P.; Champvillair, D. Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Ice Formation: Validation and Parameter Analysis. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 834.


In the history of civil aircraft transportation, ice formation has been identifies as a key factor in the safety of flight. Anti-icing and deicing system have emerged through the years with the aim to prevent or to eliminate ice formation on wing airfoil, control surface and probes. Modern flying machine demand more efficiency in order to reduce the carbon footprint and increase the sustainability of flight transport. In order to achieve this goal the need to have efficient aircraft with efficient and low power consuming system is fundamental. This paper proposes a new model for ice accretion using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This model permits to simulate the shape of the ice formed over a profile varying boundary conditions (i.e.- speed, liquid water content and so on). The proposed model takes into account also the amount of heat transferred between water and the surrounding environment and includes the effects of air turbulence on the ice formation process. The CFD simulations have been validated with NASA experimental outcome and show good agreement. The proposed model can be also used to investigate the effects of various parameters such as air speed, Liquid Water Content and air temperature on the ice formation process. The results evidences that the proposed model can accurately predict ice formation process and is suitable to optimize the design of anti-icing or deicing system for aircraft and helicopters. This approach is not limited to aerospace but can also be exported to other applications such as transportation, wind turbine, energy management and infrastructure.


Computational Fluid Dynamics; Anti Icing System; Ice Accretion Models, De-Icing System, Aer-ospace Systems Engineering


Engineering, Transportation Science and Technology

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