Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Optimizing the CO2 Emission of Composite Steel-Concrete Beams with External Prestressing

Version 1 : Received: 2 March 2023 / Approved: 3 March 2023 / Online: 3 March 2023 (01:40:38 CET)

How to cite: Fiorotti, K. M.; Calenzani, A. F. G.; Alves, E. C. Optimizing the CO2 Emission of Composite Steel-Concrete Beams with External Prestressing. Preprints 2023, 2023030050. Fiorotti, K. M.; Calenzani, A. F. G.; Alves, E. C. Optimizing the CO2 Emission of Composite Steel-Concrete Beams with External Prestressing. Preprints 2023, 2023030050.


The literature has well established prestressing in concrete beams and its calculation procedures. However, its use in composite steel-concrete beams has increased despite main normative codes lacking a specific approach for it. Designers must, in most cases, combine the available criteria to calculate the standards of steel and reinforced concrete structures. This study aimed to formulate this optimization problem and analyze CO2 emissions for the optimal design of composite steel-concrete beams with external prestressing. The design variables for the optimization problem include cross-section of laminated or welded profiles, slab height, characteristic strength of concrete to compression, and number of tendons. We obtained a solution for the optimization problem via a genetic algorithm (GA) and a particle swarm optimization one (PSO). Comparative analysis with experimental example and with optimization problem of prestressed steel beam are performed. An parametric analysis to several spams is performed, which enabled to evaluate the factors that most impact CO2 emissions. According to results, the chosen algorithms effectively obtained solutions for the problem, and PSO usually provided better results than GA. Regarding the final solution composition, steel contributes the most to emissions, welded profiles provided better solutions than laminated ones, and laminated spans of up to 17.5m and welded ones up to 27.5m dispensed with tendons.


Composite steel-concrete beams; External prestressing; CO2 emission optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization; Genetic Algorithm


Engineering, Civil Engineering

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