Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, Lita Mayasari and Suryana (2023). Child-Friendly Tourism: Keys to Sustainable Tourism Cities. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 3(2), 59-62. doi: 10.51483/IJTH.3.2.2023.59-62.
Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, Lita Mayasari and Suryana (2023). Child-Friendly Tourism: Keys to Sustainable Tourism Cities. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 3(2), 59-62. doi: 10.51483/IJTH.3.2.2023.59-62.
Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, Lita Mayasari and Suryana (2023). Child-Friendly Tourism: Keys to Sustainable Tourism Cities. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 3(2), 59-62. doi: 10.51483/IJTH.3.2.2023.59-62.
Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, Lita Mayasari and Suryana (2023). Child-Friendly Tourism: Keys to Sustainable Tourism Cities. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 3(2), 59-62. doi: 10.51483/IJTH.3.2.2023.59-62.
Child-friendly tourism is a tourism concept that focuses on the welfare and needs of children as tourism actors. This concept is an important part of developing a sustainable tourism city because children are the future generation who will continue their role in maintaining the sustainability of the tourism industry. This article discusses the importance of child-friendly tourism in the development of a sustainable tourist city and provides some examples of best practices in creating a safe, comfortable and educational tourism environment for children. This article also discusses some of the challenges and opportunities in implementing the concept of child-friendly tourism, including how to involve children in decision-making and increase community participation in creating a better tourism environment for children. By adopting the concept of child-friendly tourism, tourist cities can build a sustainable tourism environment and preserve natural resources and local culture, while also providing positive and memorable tourism experiences for children and their families.
tourism; child friendly; sustainable
Social Sciences, Education
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