PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, and Incubation Resources on Higher Vocational Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from China
Version 1
: Received: 11 February 2023 / Approved: 16 February 2023 / Online: 16 February 2023 (03:55:20 CET)
How to cite:
Liu, W.; Miao, Z. Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, and Incubation Resources on Higher Vocational Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from China. Preprints2023, 2023020266.
Liu, W.; Miao, Z. Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, and Incubation Resources on Higher Vocational Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from China. Preprints 2023, 2023020266.
Liu, W.; Miao, Z. Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, and Incubation Resources on Higher Vocational Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from China. Preprints2023, 2023020266.
APA Style
Liu, W., & Miao, Z. (2023). Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, and Incubation Resources on Higher Vocational Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from China. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Liu, W. and Zhenlong Miao. 2023 "Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, and Incubation Resources on Higher Vocational Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from China" Preprints.
To reveal the influence of variables such as entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurial inspiration, and incubation resources on students' entrepreneurial intentions in vocational colleges, this study took vocational colleges in Zhejiang Province, a province with a strong entrepreneurial climate in China, as an example. The study used a questionnaire to obtain data, and 614 valid questionnaires were collected from seven vocational colleges. The study divided entrepreneurship education into three dimensions: entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurial inspiration, and incubation resources, and used structural equation modeling to investigate the influence of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions while introducing entrepreneurial efficacy as a mediating variable to examine the influence mechanism of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of higher education students. The results showed that entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurial inspiration, incubation resources, and entrepreneurial efficacy were all significantly and positively correlated with entrepreneurial intentions and that entrepreneurial efficacy mediated between the two dimensions of entrepreneurship education (entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial inspiration) and entrepreneurial intentions. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in vocational institutions, we should stimulate students' sense of entrepreneurial efficacy, strengthen their entrepreneurial learning and inspire them to start their businesses. In turn, university incubation resources can be developed and utilized to enhance students' entrepreneurial confidence and intentions.
entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial self-efficacy; entrepreneurial intention; higher vocational students; China
Social Sciences, Education
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