Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

iMAGINE – Visions, Missions, and Steps for Successfully Delivering the Nuclear System of the 21st Century

Version 1 : Received: 10 February 2023 / Approved: 13 February 2023 / Online: 13 February 2023 (11:26:53 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Merk, B.; Litskevich, D.; Detkina, A.; Noori-kalkhoran, O.; Jain, L.; Derrer-Merk, E.; Aflyatunova, D.; Cartland-Glover, G. iMAGINE—Visions, Missions, and Steps for Successfully Delivering the Nuclear System of the 21st Century. Energies 2023, 16, 3120. Merk, B.; Litskevich, D.; Detkina, A.; Noori-kalkhoran, O.; Jain, L.; Derrer-Merk, E.; Aflyatunova, D.; Cartland-Glover, G. iMAGINE—Visions, Missions, and Steps for Successfully Delivering the Nuclear System of the 21st Century. Energies 2023, 16, 3120.


Nuclear technologies have the potential to play a major role in the transition to a global net-zero society. Their primary advantage is the capability to deliver controllable 24/7 energy on demand. However, as a prerequisite for successful worldwide application, significant innovation will be required to create the nuclear systems of the 21st century, the need of the hour. The pros and cons of nuclear are discussed and analysed at different levels – the societal and public recognition as well as the scientific/engineering and economic level – to assure a demand driven development. Based on the analysis of the different challenges a vision for the nuclear system of the 21st century is synthesised consisting of three pillars – unlimited nuclear energy, zero waste nuclear, and accident free nuclear. These three combined visions are then transformed into dedicated and verifiable missions which are discussed in detail regarding challenges and opportunities. In the following a stepwise approach for the development of such a highly innovative nuclear system is described. Essential steps to assure active risk reduction and the delivery of quick progress are derived as answer to the critique on the currently observed extensive construction time and cost overruns on new nuclear plants. The 4-step process consisting of basic studies, experimental zero power reactor, small scale demonstrator, and industrial demonstrator is described. The 4 steps including sub-steps deliver the pathway to a successful implementation of such a ground breaking new nuclear system. The potential sub-steps are discussed with the view not only onto the scientific development challenges, but also as an approach to reduce the regulatory challenges of a novel nuclear technology.


Nuclear; nuclear energy; nuclear reactors; nuclear waste management; iMAGINE; strategic development; vision development; mission development


Engineering, Energy and Fuel Technology

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