Version 1
: Received: 9 February 2023 / Approved: 13 February 2023 / Online: 13 February 2023 (10:00:45 CET)
How to cite:
Dolaso, A. A.; Shano, B. K. Assessment of Postharvest Loss of Avocado at Producers Level (Case of Wolaita and KembataTembaro Zones). Preprints2023, 2023020214.
Dolaso, A. A.; Shano, B. K. Assessment of Postharvest Loss of Avocado at Producers Level (Case of Wolaita and KembataTembaro Zones). Preprints 2023, 2023020214.
Dolaso, A. A.; Shano, B. K. Assessment of Postharvest Loss of Avocado at Producers Level (Case of Wolaita and KembataTembaro Zones). Preprints2023, 2023020214.
APA Style
Dolaso, A. A., & Shano, B. K. (2023). Assessment of Postharvest Loss of Avocado at Producers Level (Case of Wolaita and KembataTembaro Zones). Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Dolaso, A. A. and Berhanu Kuma Shano. 2023 "Assessment of Postharvest Loss of Avocado at Producers Level (Case of Wolaita and KembataTembaro Zones)" Preprints.
Current study was to estimation the post-harvest loss of avocado at the producer level using cross-sectional data obtained from 385 proportionately sampled respondents from Wolaita and Kembata Tembaro Zones, the SNNPR of Ethiopia. Descriptive and multiple regression analysis were used to the amount and determinant of post harvest loss of avocado fruits. Estimated total post harvest- loss of avocados was 24%; of which 5.7% unacceptable harvesting methods and 4.9% of improper storage practices. The respondent's sex, education, income, training, contact with extension agents, distance from the nearest road, and off-farm income were found to be negative determinants, whereas storage accessibility and avocado harvest techniques were found to be positive determinants of post-harvest loss of avocado fruits. Post-harvest management techniques for avocados need to be better understood and used by avocado growers if they are to minimize losses. Post-harvest losses contribute considerably to food insecurity and create a problem for the source of revenue for people and the economy of the country as well. Therefore, the use of a practical and effective post-harvest loss reduction technique could be a sustainable solution to increase food availability, eliminate hunger and improve farmers' livelihoods.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
23 February 2023
yeabkal mesekerem
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
I am very interesting,the way to found the result of avocado post harvest loss in quantities and factors contributed for those loss also some what related to others cereal crops from different research study. This results inputs for others study
23 February 2023
Levit Kinde
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Nice But Add some amount gap related with post harvest loss fruits causes , Others prates very good . It gives some hints for policy making to reduce post harvest loss of horticultural crops
23 February 2023
Admasu Adelo
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
The article was good work from my point of views; it includes all necessarily points. The results parts clearly explain the causes of Avocado post harvest losses.
24 February 2023
Rihobot Thomas
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
very good ways of writing and interpreting the results of the articles. The issues are very important to increase the income of households in rural area by reducing losses.
24 February 2023
Tadess Gadebo
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Interesting article specially those work research in fruits sectors in post harvest loss. Since the analysis and sampling methods are well done from my point of views.
Commenter: yeabkal mesekerem
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Commenter: Levit Kinde
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Commenter: Tinsye Gebermedin
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Commenter: Admasu Adelo
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Commenter: Rihobot Thomas
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Commenter: Tadess Gadebo
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.