Version 1
: Received: 8 February 2023 / Approved: 9 February 2023 / Online: 9 February 2023 (11:24:29 CET)
How to cite:
Ghazvinian, H.; Karami, H.; Jun, C.; Francis, O.; Bateni, S. M.; DadrasAjirlou, Y.; Band, S. Laboratory Comparison of Evaporation Rate Between Colorado Sanken Evaporation Pan and Class A Evaporation Pan (Case Study: Semnan, Iran). Preprints2023, 2023020165.
Ghazvinian, H.; Karami, H.; Jun, C.; Francis, O.; Bateni, S. M.; DadrasAjirlou, Y.; Band, S. Laboratory Comparison of Evaporation Rate Between Colorado Sanken Evaporation Pan and Class A Evaporation Pan (Case Study: Semnan, Iran). Preprints 2023, 2023020165.
Ghazvinian, H.; Karami, H.; Jun, C.; Francis, O.; Bateni, S. M.; DadrasAjirlou, Y.; Band, S. Laboratory Comparison of Evaporation Rate Between Colorado Sanken Evaporation Pan and Class A Evaporation Pan (Case Study: Semnan, Iran). Preprints2023, 2023020165.
APA Style
Ghazvinian, H., Karami, H., Jun, C., Francis, O., Bateni, S. M., DadrasAjirlou, Y., & Band, S. (2023). Laboratory Comparison of Evaporation Rate Between Colorado Sanken Evaporation Pan and Class A Evaporation Pan (Case Study: Semnan, Iran). Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ghazvinian, H., Yashar DadrasAjirlou and Shahab Band. 2023 "Laboratory Comparison of Evaporation Rate Between Colorado Sanken Evaporation Pan and Class A Evaporation Pan (Case Study: Semnan, Iran)" Preprints.
One method of estimating the evaporation rate (ER) is to use a variety of evaporation pans, such as the Class A standard evaporation pan (CASEP) and the Colorado Sanken standard evaporation pan (CSSEP). In this study, the rate of evaporation of CASEP and CSSEP have been investigated and compared with each other. This study was conducted in Semnan, Iran. CSSEP was used as a test pan, which was performed in an open space around the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University. Evaporation was recorded daily for 123 days. The evaporation of the CASEP pan was obtained from the synoptic station of Semnan, which is located at a distance of 2.39 km from the test site. Meteorological data were also obtained from the synoptic station of Semnan and compared with experimental evaporation data. The results of this study showed that the daily ER from CASEP and CSSEP in the tested time periods were not significantly different. Based on the Klomogorov-Sminrov method, the best statistical distributions for CASEP and CSSEP were calculated as Error and Gamma, respectively. The coefficient of determination (R 2 ) between the two pans was estimated to be about 93%. Also, by examining the ER with other meteorological data, it was observed that the ER has the highest correlation with the average daily air temperature.
Evaporation; Class A standard evaporation pan; Colorado Sanken standard evaporation pan; Semnan
Engineering, Civil Engineering
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