Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Tolman VI fluid sphere in f(R,T) gravity

Version 1 : Received: 20 January 2023 / Approved: 23 January 2023 / Online: 23 January 2023 (06:33:50 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Mondal, M.; Rahaman, F. Tolman VI Fluid Sphere in f(R,T) Gravity. Universe 2023, 9, 122. Mondal, M.; Rahaman, F. Tolman VI Fluid Sphere in f(R,T) Gravity. Universe 2023, 9, 122.


We analyze the behavior of relativistic spherical objects within the context of modified $f(R,T)$ gravity considering Tolman VI spacetime, where gravitational lagrangian is a function of Ricci scalar(R) and trace of energy momentum tensor(T) i.e,$ f(R,T)= R+ 2\beta T$, for some arbitrary constant $\beta$. For developing our model, we have chosen $\pounds_{m} = -p$, where $ \pounds_{m}$ represents matter lagrangian. For this investigation, we have chosen three compact stars namely PSR J1614-2230 [Mass=(1.97$\pm$ 0.4)M$_\odot$; Radius= 9.69$_{-0.02} ^{+0.02}$ Km] ,Vela X-1 [Mass=(1.77$\pm$ 0.08)M$_\odot$; Radius= 9.560$_{-0.08} ^{+0.08}$ Km] and 4U 1538-52 [Mass=(9.69)M$_\odot$; Radius= 1.97 Km]. In this theory the equation of pressure isotropy is identical to standard Einstein's theory. So all known metric potential solving Einstein's equations are also valid here. In this paper, we have investigated the effort of coupling parameter ($\beta$) on the local matter distribution. Sound of speed and adiabatic index are higher with grater values of $\beta$ while on contrary mass function and gravitational redshift are lower with higher values of $\beta$ . For supporting the theoretical results, graphical representation are also employed to analyze the physical viability of the compact stars.


Tolman VI spacetime; Compact stars; $f(R,T)$ gravity


Physical Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

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