Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Designing a Renewable and Sustainable Phosphorus Fertilizer Supply Chain Network using an Ensemble Knowledge-based Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm

Version 1 : Received: 21 December 2022 / Approved: 23 December 2022 / Online: 23 December 2022 (01:39:06 CET)

How to cite: Shokouhifar, M.; Sohrabi, M.; Rabbani, M.; Molana, M.; Werner, F. Designing a Renewable and Sustainable Phosphorus Fertilizer Supply Chain Network using an Ensemble Knowledge-based Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm. Preprints 2022, 2022120432. Shokouhifar, M.; Sohrabi, M.; Rabbani, M.; Molana, M.; Werner, F. Designing a Renewable and Sustainable Phosphorus Fertilizer Supply Chain Network using an Ensemble Knowledge-based Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm. Preprints 2022, 2022120432.


Phosphorus (P) is the most important substance in inorganic fertilizers used in agriculture industry. In this study, a multi-product and multi-objective model is presented considering economic and environmental concerns to design a renewable and sustainable P-fertilizer supply chain management (PFSCM). To handle complexities of the proposed model, an ensemble knowledge-based three-stage heuristic-metaheuristic algorithm utilizing heuristic information available in the model, whale optimization algorithm, and variable neighborhood search (named H-WOA-VNS) is proposed. At first, a problem-dependent heuristic is designed to generate a set of near-optimal feasible solutions. These solutions are fed into a population-based whale optimization algorithm which benefits from both exploration and exploitation strategies. Finally, a single-solution metaheuristic based on variable neighborhood search is applied to further improve the quality of the solution using local search operators. The objective function of the algorithm is formulated as a weighted average function to minimize total economic cost, while increasing crop yield and P use efficiency. Experimental results over five synthetic datasets and a real case study of the P-fertilizer supply chain confirm the superiority of the proposed method against the state-of-the-art techniques. The results demonstrate that the proposed method performs well in optimizing both the economic cost and environmental issues.


supply chain management; phosphorus fertilizers; environmental issues; sustainability; recycling policy; metaheuristic algorithm


Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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