Canales, J.; Arenas-M, A.; Medina, J.; Vidal, E.A. A Revised View of the LSU Gene Family: New Functions in Plant Stress Responses and Phytohormone Signaling. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 2819.
Canales, J.; Arenas-M, A.; Medina, J.; Vidal, E.A. A Revised View of the LSU Gene Family: New Functions in Plant Stress Responses and Phytohormone Signaling. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 2819.
Canales, J.; Arenas-M, A.; Medina, J.; Vidal, E.A. A Revised View of the LSU Gene Family: New Functions in Plant Stress Responses and Phytohormone Signaling. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 2819.
Canales, J.; Arenas-M, A.; Medina, J.; Vidal, E.A. A Revised View of the LSU Gene Family: New Functions in Plant Stress Responses and Phytohormone Signaling. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 2819.
LSUs (RESPONSE TO LOW SULFUR) are plant-specific proteins of unknown function that were initially identified during transcriptomic studies of the sulfur deficiency response in Arabidopsis. Recent functional studies have shown that LSUs are important hubs of protein interaction networks with potential roles in plant stress responses. In particular, LSU proteins have been reported to interact with members of the brassinosteroid, jasmonate signaling, and ethylene biosynthetic pathways, suggesting that LSUs may be involved in response to plant stress through modulation of phytohormones. Furthermore, in silico analysis of the promoter regions of LSU genes in Arabidopsis has revealed the presence of cis-regulatory elements that are potentially responsive to phytohormones such as ABA, auxin, and jasmonic acid, suggesting crosstalk between LSU proteins and phytohormones. In this review, we summarize current knowledge about the LSU gene family in plants and its potential role in phytohormone responses.
Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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