Version 1
: Received: 25 October 2022 / Approved: 28 October 2022 / Online: 28 October 2022 (10:06:46 CEST)
How to cite:
Zelenina, E. V.; Bakhmetyev, V.; Sychov, M. M. Effect of Electron-Beam Induced Nanostructuring on Surface Properties and Radioluminescence of ZnS:Cu,Br Phosphors. Preprints2022, 2022100454.
Zelenina, E. V.; Bakhmetyev, V.; Sychov, M. M. Effect of Electron-Beam Induced Nanostructuring on Surface Properties and Radioluminescence of ZnS:Cu,Br Phosphors. Preprints 2022, 2022100454.
Zelenina, E. V.; Bakhmetyev, V.; Sychov, M. M. Effect of Electron-Beam Induced Nanostructuring on Surface Properties and Radioluminescence of ZnS:Cu,Br Phosphors. Preprints2022, 2022100454.
APA Style
Zelenina, E. V., Bakhmetyev, V., & Sychov, M. M. (2022). Effect of Electron-Beam Induced Nanostructuring on Surface Properties and Radioluminescence of ZnS:Cu,Br Phosphors. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zelenina, E. V., Vadim Bakhmetyev and Maxim Maximovich Sychov. 2022 "Effect of Electron-Beam Induced Nanostructuring on Surface Properties and Radioluminescence of ZnS:Cu,Br Phosphors" Preprints.
Electron beam treatment of ZnS:Cu,Br (Cu activator content 0…0.6%wt.) radioluminescent phosphors as well as charge mixture with the electron energy 900 keV and absorbed dose of 600 kGy resulted in a enhancement of brightness up to 80%. The increased brightness is due to increase of content of wurtzite phase relative to sphalerite one with formation of wurtzite/sphalerite nanocomposite structure. Transformation of crystal structure is accompanied with corresponding change in content of active surface centers characteristic for sphalerite and wurtzite phases. A model describing surface centers of ZnS:Cu,Br radioluminescent phosphor is suggested.
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