Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Genome-Wide Characterization of Sulfate Transporter Gene Family in Oilseed Crops: Camelina sativa and Brassica napus

Version 1 : Received: 20 October 2022 / Approved: 21 October 2022 / Online: 21 October 2022 (03:37:45 CEST)

How to cite: Heidari, P.; Hasanzadeh, S.; Faraji, S.; Ercisli, S.; Mora-Poblete, F. Genome-Wide Characterization of Sulfate Transporter Gene Family in Oilseed Crops: Camelina sativa and Brassica napus. Preprints 2022, 2022100317. Heidari, P.; Hasanzadeh, S.; Faraji, S.; Ercisli, S.; Mora-Poblete, F. Genome-Wide Characterization of Sulfate Transporter Gene Family in Oilseed Crops: Camelina sativa and Brassica napus. Preprints 2022, 2022100317.


Sulfate transporters (SULTRs) are responsible for the uptake of the sulfate (SO42−) ions in the rhizosphere by the roots and their distribution in plant organs. In this study, SULTR family members in the genome of the two oilseed crops, Camelina sativa, and Brassica napus, were identified and characterized based on their sequence structure, duplication events, phylogenetic relationships, phosphorylation sites, and expression levels. Herein, 36 and 45 putative SULTR genes were recognized from the genome of C. sativa, and B. napus, respectively. SULTR proteins were predicted as basophilic proteins with low hydrophilicity in both studied species. According to phylogenetic relationships, we divided SULTRs into five groups, in which SULTRs 3 showed highest variation. Besides, several duplication events were observed between SULTRs. The first duplication event was predicted approximately five million years ago between three SULTRs 3.1 in C. sativa. Two subunits were indicated in the 3D structure of SULTRs that the active binding sites differed between C. sativa and B. napus. According to available RNA-seq data, SULTRs showed diverse expression in tissues and response to stimuli. SULTRs 3 showed an expression in all tissues. SULTRs 3.1 were more upregulated in response to abiotic stresses in C. sativa, while SULTRs 3.3, and SULTRs 2.1 showed an upregulation in B. napus. Furthermore, SULTRs 3 and SULTRs 4.1 showed an upregulation in response to biotic stresses in B. napus. Based on the distribution of cis-regulatory elements in the promoter region, we speculated that SULTRs might be controlled by phytohormones such as ABA, and MeJA. Therefore, it seems that SULTR genes in C. sativa have been more influenced by evolutionary processes and have acquired more diversity.


Bioinformatics; Biotic stresses; Regulatory mechanisms; Protein structure; Gene expression; Evolution analysis


Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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