Bryant, P.J.; Arehart, T. Diversity and Life-Cycle Analysis of Pacific Ocean Zooplankton by Videomicroscopy and DNA Barcoding: Gastropods. Diversity2022, 14, 912.
Bryant, P.J.; Arehart, T. Diversity and Life-Cycle Analysis of Pacific Ocean Zooplankton by Videomicroscopy and DNA Barcoding: Gastropods. Diversity 2022, 14, 912.
Bryant, P.J.; Arehart, T. Diversity and Life-Cycle Analysis of Pacific Ocean Zooplankton by Videomicroscopy and DNA Barcoding: Gastropods. Diversity2022, 14, 912.
Bryant, P.J.; Arehart, T. Diversity and Life-Cycle Analysis of Pacific Ocean Zooplankton by Videomicroscopy and DNA Barcoding: Gastropods. Diversity 2022, 14, 912.
The life cycles and biodiversity of Pacific coast gastropods were analyzed by videomicroscopy and DNA barcoding of indi-viduals collected from tide pools and in plankton nets from a variety of shore stations. In many species (Families Calyptrae-idae, Cerithiopsidae, Strombidae, Vermetidae, Columbellidae, Nassariidae, Olivellidae, Hermaeidae, Onchidorididae, Gas-tropteridae, Haminoeidae), the free-swimming veligers were recovered from plankton collections; in Roperia poulsoni (family Muricidae) veligers were usually recovered from egg sacs where they had been retained although some escapees were found in plankton collections; in Pteropurpura festiva (family Muricidae) free-living veligers were also found; and in Atlanta californiensis (family Atlantidae) both veligers and adults were obtained from plankton collections making this a holoplank-tonic species. The results confirm that DNA barcoding using the COI barcode is a useful strategy to match life-cycle stages within species as well as to identify species and to document the level of biodiversity within the gastropods.
Mollusks; gastropods; Zooplankton; Plankton; Pacific Ocean; larvae; DNA barcoding
Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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