Version 1
: Received: 13 August 2022 / Approved: 15 August 2022 / Online: 15 August 2022 (15:40:58 CEST)
How to cite:
Waluyo, G.; Zaenurrohman, J. A.; Piranti, A. S.; Laksono, F. A. T. Analysis of the Sediment Dredging Activities of the PB Soedirman Banjarnegara Hydroelectric Reservoir Based on a Technical and Economic Points of View. Preprints2022, 2022080268.
Waluyo, G.; Zaenurrohman, J. A.; Piranti, A. S.; Laksono, F. A. T. Analysis of the Sediment Dredging Activities of the PB Soedirman Banjarnegara Hydroelectric Reservoir Based on a Technical and Economic Points of View. Preprints 2022, 2022080268.
Waluyo, G.; Zaenurrohman, J. A.; Piranti, A. S.; Laksono, F. A. T. Analysis of the Sediment Dredging Activities of the PB Soedirman Banjarnegara Hydroelectric Reservoir Based on a Technical and Economic Points of View. Preprints2022, 2022080268.
APA Style
Waluyo, G., Zaenurrohman, J. A., Piranti, A. S., & Laksono, F. A. T. (2022). Analysis of the Sediment Dredging Activities of the PB Soedirman Banjarnegara Hydroelectric Reservoir Based on a Technical and Economic Points of View. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Waluyo, G., Agatha Sih Piranti and FX Anjar Tri Laksono. 2022 "Analysis of the Sediment Dredging Activities of the PB Soedirman Banjarnegara Hydroelectric Reservoir Based on a Technical and Economic Points of View" Preprints.
The PB Sudirman hydroelectric power plant, built in 1988, has fewer than 50 years of operational life. In contrast, the planned operating life for this dam is 50 years. This dam is experiencing intensive sedimentation, which results in siltation. Dredging efforts and catchment area management are conducted to extend the operational life of the dam. Therefore, technical and economic analysis of dredging activities and the potential benefits of dredged sediment is needed to determine the solution's effectiveness. We use the site survey method to conduct an environmental impact analysis and interviews with dam managers. The identification of the extent and distribution of erosion-sedimentation was carried out as part of the technical assessment. In the economic study, we calculate the dredging costs and profits from selling dredged sediments, mainly sand. The analysis results show that the dredging of deposits in the foreset slope area is not profitable. There are 17 areas of bank spoil that have economic benefits. This study concludes that the need for dredging costs on foreset slopes is higher than the profit from selling dredging sediments.
dredging; sedimentation; PB Soedirman Hydroelectric reservoir; Banjarnegara; Indonesia
Environmental and Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Geology
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