Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Glycophagy – the Physiological Perspective on A Newly Characterized Glycogen-Selective Autophagy

Version 1 : Received: 7 August 2022 / Approved: 8 August 2022 / Online: 8 August 2022 (09:58:31 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Delbridge, L.M.; Koutsifeli, P.; Fong, S.P.; Annandale, M.; Weeks, K.L.; Bell, J.R.; Mellor, K.M. Glycophagy — the Physiological Perspective on a Newly Characterized Glycogen-Selective Autophagy. Current Opinion in Physiology 2022, 30, 100598, doi:10.1016/j.cophys.2022.100598. Delbridge, L.M.; Koutsifeli, P.; Fong, S.P.; Annandale, M.; Weeks, K.L.; Bell, J.R.; Mellor, K.M. Glycophagy — the Physiological Perspective on a Newly Characterized Glycogen-Selective Autophagy. Current Opinion in Physiology 2022, 30, 100598, doi:10.1016/j.cophys.2022.100598.


Degradation of intracellular components through autophagy is a fundamental process to maintain cellular integrity and homeostasis. Recently a glycogen-selective autophagy pathway has been described, termed ‘glycophagy’. Glycogen is a primary storage depot and regulator of glucose availability, and glycophagy is emerging as a critical physiological process involved in energy metabolism. Glycophagy-mediated degradation of glycogen appears to operate in parallel with the well-described canonical pathway of glycogenolysis involving glycogen phosphorylase. Evidence suggests that starch-binding domain protein-1 (Stbd1) is a key glycogen-binding protein involved in tagging glycogen for glycophagy, and that Gabarapl1 is primarily involved as the Atg8 family protein recruiting the Stbd1-glycogen complex into the forming glycophagosome. The nuances of glycophagy protein machinery, regulation and lysosomal glucose release are yet to be fully elucidated. In this mini-review, we critically analyze the current evidence base for glycophagy as a selective-autophagy process of physiological importance and highlight areas where further investigation is warranted.


glycogen; autophagy; lysosome; Stbd1; Gabarapl1; acid α-glucosidase (Gaa)


Biology and Life Sciences, Anatomy and Physiology

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