Zhang, X.; Guo, J.; Chen, Y.; Han, Y.; Yi, R.; Gao, H.; Liu, L.; Liu, H.; Shen, Z. Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping of MICP-treated Calcareous Sand at Low Strains. Preprints2022, 2022070352. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202207.0352.v1
APA Style
Zhang, X., Guo, J., Chen, Y., Han, Y., Yi, R., Gao, H., Liu, L., Liu, H., & Shen, Z. (2022). Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping of MICP-treated Calcareous Sand at Low Strains. Preprints. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202207.0352.v1
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zhang, X., Hanlong Liu and Zhifu Shen. 2022 "Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping of MICP-treated Calcareous Sand at Low Strains" Preprints. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202207.0352.v1
Calcareous sand deposits are widely distributed along the shoreline in ropical and subtropical regions. Microbially induced calcite precipitation treatment (MICP) is a relatively new method to improve the stiffness and strength of the soil. Little is known about the small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio of MICP-treated calcareous sand, which are two crucial parameters for the prediction of the dynamic behavior of soil. A series of resonant column tests are performed to investigate the dynamic performance of MICP-treated calcareous sand, with special attention paid to the influence of treatment duration and confining stress on the stiffness and damping characteristics. The relationship between the initial dynamic shear modulus and unconfined compressive strength is analyzed. Additionally, the empirical equations of the reference shear strain between treatment duration and confining stress are given. The G/G0 of MICP-cemented calcareous sand presents a higher strain sensitivity than that of untreated sand, and its attenuation pattern can be described by Hardin-Drnevich model. The σc has an apparent effect on the degradation characteristics of the dynamic shear modulus of MICP-treated calcareous sand with a low cementation level, however, its effect decreases with the increasing treatment duration. The relationship between the reference shear strain and the treatment duration and confining stress can be described by a power and a linear formula, respectively.
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