Total Twenty-Four Samples were collected from the Four different depths of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh near the bank of Yamuna River and determined Phosphorous (P) fractions and their relationship with soil properties, The soils were Neutral, low salinity and medium to rich in organic matter in the surface to subsurface horizons. Most of the soils showed Low range in nitrogen and phosphorous and high in potassium. Among the P fractions, the most predominant were Ca-P and followed by Fe-P > S-P > Occl-P > Red-P > Al-P. The Overall results showed that the available-P, organic-P and total-P decreases with increase the depth, Where the Ca-P was significantly positively correlated with pore space (r = 0.396*), Organic Carbon ( r = 0.555*), Available Nitrogen ( r = 0.55*) and significantly negatively correlated with Clay (r = -0.324*), pH ( r = -0.226*), EC ( r = -0.232*). Total-P and Occ-P are main contributing factors for the availability of P. The regression equations showed that soil pH was the main soil property that influences the different fraction of P. The Nutrient Index of available P for Inceptisols was found under medium to low category, about 60% of Inceptisols are likely to respond of P-fertilizer.