Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Full-Scale Demonstration of Combined Ground Source Heating and Sustainable Urban Drainage in Roadbeds

Version 1 : Received: 12 May 2022 / Approved: 13 May 2022 / Online: 13 May 2022 (08:06:39 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Poulsen, S.E.; Andersen, T.R.; Tordrup, K.W. Full-Scale Demonstration of Combined Ground Source Heating and Sustainable Urban Drainage in Roadbeds. Energies 2022, 15, 4505. Poulsen, S.E.; Andersen, T.R.; Tordrup, K.W. Full-Scale Demonstration of Combined Ground Source Heating and Sustainable Urban Drainage in Roadbeds. Energies 2022, 15, 4505.


This paper proposes and demonstrates, in full scale, a novel type of energy geostructure (“the Climate Road”) that combines a ground source heat pump (GSHP) with a sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) by utilizing the gravel roadbed simultaneously as energy source and rainwater retarding basin. The Climate Road measures 50m x 8m x 1m (length, width, depth) and has 800 m of geothermal piping embedded in the roadbed, serving as the heat collector for a GSHP that supplies a nearby kindergarten with domestic hot water and space heating. Model analysis of operational data from 2018-2021 indicates sustainable annual heat production levels around 0.6 MWh per meter road, with a COP of 2.9-3.1. The continued infiltration of rainwater to the roadbed increases the amount of extractable heat by an estimated 17% compared to the case of zero infiltration. Using the developed model for scenario analysis we find that draining rainwater from three single family houses and storing 30% of the annual heating consumption in the roadbed, increases the predicted extractable energy by 56% compared to zero infiltration with no seasonal energy storage. The Climate Road is capable of supplying three single family houses with heating, cooling and rainwater management year-round.


Energy geostructure; ground source heat pump (GSHP); sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS); sector integration; 5th generation district heating and cooling; permeable asphalt; rainwater retardation; full-scale demonstration; numerical modelling; analytical modelling


Engineering, Energy and Fuel Technology

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