Rapid antigen detection tests (RAD) are commonly used for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, with the continuous emergence of new variants of concern (VOC) presenting various mutations potentially affecting the nucleocapsid protein, the analytical performances of these assays should be frequently reevaluated. One-hundred and twenty samples were selected and tested with both RT-qPCR and five commercial RAD commonly sold in Belgian pharmacies. Of these, direct whole genome sequencing identified the strains present in 116 samples, of which 70 were Delta and 46 were Omicron. Sensitivity across a wide range of Ct values (13.5 to 35.7; median = 21.3) were comparable and ranged from 70.0% to 77.1% for Delta strains and from 69.6% to 78.3% for Omicron strains. When taking swabs with a low viral load (Ct > 25), poor performances were observed for the Delta strains (20.0 to 40.0%) and, even more so, for Omicron strains (0.0 to 23.1%). Two devices failed to detect all samples (n = 13) containing Omicron strains with a low viral load. The poor performance observed with low viral loads is an important limitation of RAD, which is not sufficiently highlighted in the instruction for use of these devices.