Version 1
: Received: 1 February 2022 / Approved: 3 February 2022 / Online: 3 February 2022 (11:06:15 CET)
How to cite:
Mim, H.-T.-R.; Haque, M.; Promon, S. K. Neural Implants: A Review Of Current Trends And Future Perspectives. Preprints2022, 2022020050.
Mim, H.-T.-R.; Haque, M.; Promon, S. K. Neural Implants: A Review Of Current Trends And Future Perspectives. Preprints 2022, 2022020050.
Mim, H.-T.-R.; Haque, M.; Promon, S. K. Neural Implants: A Review Of Current Trends And Future Perspectives. Preprints2022, 2022020050.
APA Style
Mim, H. T. R., Haque, M., & Promon, S. K. (2022). Neural Implants: A Review Of Current Trends And Future Perspectives. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Mim, H., Munima Haque and Salman Khan Promon. 2022 "Neural Implants: A Review Of Current Trends And Future Perspectives" Preprints.
Recent progress in microfabrication technique allowed the rapid development of neural implants. They are getting categorized as effective tools for clinical practice, especially to treat traumatic and neurodegenerative disorders. Microelectrode arrays already have been used in numerous neural interface devices. Basically, almost all neural implants have been developed based on BCI (Brain Computer Interface) system. When BCI system falls under invasive technique, it is referred as BMI or Brain Machine Interface. BMIs hold promises for neurorehabilitation of motor and sensory function, cognitive state evaluation and treatment of neurological chaos. A directed overview of the field of neural implants is discussed in this article. The aim of this review is to give a brief introduction of neural prosthetics as well as their exciting applications in treating neurological disorders and a deep discussion on their functionality are mentioned. BCI system and their different types, their functionality, their pros and cons, how other neural implants developed, and their present status have been covered. Different possibilities and possible future of deep brain stimulation (DBS), Neuralink, motor and sensory neural prosthetics are further discussed.
Neuroprosthetics; Brain Computer Interface; Neural Implants; Deep Brain Stimulation
Engineering, Bioengineering
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