Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Comparative Analysis on the Effect of Surface Reflectance for Laser 3D Scanner Calibrator

Version 1 : Received: 27 January 2022 / Approved: 2 February 2022 / Online: 2 February 2022 (15:57:04 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Ou, J.; Xu, T.; Gan, X.; He, X.; Li, Y.; Qu, J.; Zhang, W.; Cai, C. Comparative Analysis on the Effect of Surface Reflectance for Laser 3D Scanner Calibrator. Micromachines 2022, 13, 1607, doi:10.3390/mi13101607. Ou, J.; Xu, T.; Gan, X.; He, X.; Li, Y.; Qu, J.; Zhang, W.; Cai, C. Comparative Analysis on the Effect of Surface Reflectance for Laser 3D Scanner Calibrator. Micromachines 2022, 13, 1607, doi:10.3390/mi13101607.


Abstract: The calibrator is one of the most important factors in the calibration of various laser 3D scanning instruments. The requirements for diffuse reflection surface are specially emphasized in many national standards. In this study, the spherical calibrator and plane calibrator compara-tive measurement experiments were carried out. The black ceramic standard sphere, white ce-ramic standard sphere, metal standard sphere, metal standard plane and white ceramic standard plane were used to test the laser 3D scanner. In the spherical calibrators comparative measure-ment experiments, the results indicated that the RMS of the white ceramic spherical calibrator with reflectance about 60% is 10 times that of the metal spherical calibrator with the reflectance of about 15%, and the RMS of the black ceramic spherical calibrator with reflectance of about 11% is of the same order as the metal spherical calibrator. In the plane calibrators comparative measurement experiments, the RMS of flatness measurement is 0.077 mm for metal plane cali-brator with reflectance of 15%, and 2.915 mm for ceramic plane calibrator with reflectance of 60%. The results show that when the optimal measurement distance and incident angle are selected, the reflectance of the calibrator has a great effect on the measurement results, regardless of the outlines or profiles. Based on the experiments, it is recommended to use the spherical calibrator or the standard plane with reflectance of around 18% as the standard, which can obtain the rea-sonable results. In addition, it is necessary to clearly provide the material category and surface reflectance information of the standard when calibrating the scanner according to the measure-ment standard.


Laser scanning instrument; 3D scanner calibrator; surface reflectance; measurement accuracy


Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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