Water distribution networks are vital infrastructure, needed for providing consumers with sufficient water of appropriate quality. The cost of construction, operation, and maintenance of such networks is extremely large. The problem of optimization of a water distribution network is governed by the type of water distribution network and the size of pipelines placed in the distribution network. This problem of the optimal diameter allocation of pipes in a distribution network has been heavily researched over the past few decades. This study describes the development of a computer program, ‘Smart Optimization Program for Water Distribution Networks’ (SOP–WDN), which applies Genetic Algorithm to the problem of the least-cost design of water distribution networks. SOP–WDN demonstrates the application of an evolutionary optimization technique, Genetic Algorithm, linked with a hydraulic simulation solver EPANET, for the optimal design of water distribution networks. The developed program was applied to three benchmark water distribution network optimization problems and produced consistently good results. SOP–WDN can be utilized as a tool for guiding engineers during the design and rehabilitation of water distribution pipelines.