Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

CRISPR-Cas Systems in Gut Microbiome of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Version 1 : Received: 19 January 2022 / Approved: 20 January 2022 / Online: 20 January 2022 (10:28:07 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Zakharevich, N.V.; Nikitin, M.S.; Kovtun, A.S.; Malov, V.O.; Averina, O.V.; Danilenko, V.N.; Artamonova, I.I. CRISPR-Cas Systems in Gut Microbiome of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Life 2022, 12, 367. Zakharevich, N.V.; Nikitin, M.S.; Kovtun, A.S.; Malov, V.O.; Averina, O.V.; Danilenko, V.N.; Artamonova, I.I. CRISPR-Cas Systems in Gut Microbiome of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Life 2022, 12, 367.


Human gut microbiome is associated with various diseases, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Variations of the taxonomical composition in the gut microbiome of children with ASD have been observed repeatedly. However, features and parameters of the CRISPR-Cas systems in the gut microbiome of children with ASD have not been investigated yet. Here we demonstrate such an analysis in comparison with the healthy microbiome. For the identification of CRISPR-Cas systems, we used a combination of the publicly available tools suited for completed genomes with subsequent filtrations. In all considered datasets, the microbiomes of children with ASD contained fewer arrays per Gb of assembly, than the control group, but the arrays included more spacers on average. These patterns were observed systematically in our datasets, although their statistical significance hardly matched the thresholds. CRISPR arrays from the microbiomes of children with ASD differed from the control group neither in the fractions of spacers with protospacers from known genomes, nor in the sets of known bacteriophages providing protospacers. The majority of bacterial protospacers of the gut microbiome systems for both children with ASD and the healthy ones was located in the prophage islands.


microbiome; autism spectrum disorders; CRISPR-Cas; protospacer


Biology and Life Sciences, Immunology and Microbiology

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